स‍िर के बाएं तरफ हो रहे दर्द के कारण और इलाज

स‍िर के बाएं तरफ हो रहे दर्द के कारण का इलाज न्यूरो डॉक्टर से जाने!

स‍िर के बाई तरफ दर्द क्यों होता हैं ?

सिर में बाई और दर्द के अनेक कारण हो सकते हैं, जिनका वर्णन हम इस लेख में प्रस्तुत करेंगे

  • अगर आपके स‍िर के बाईं ओर दर्द हो रहा है, तो उसे नजरअंदाज न करें। क्युकि इसके पीछे कुछ ठोस कारण हो सकते हैं। माइग्रेन और ब्रेन ट्यूमर जैसी गंभीर बीमार‍ियां होने पर भी स‍िर के बाईं ओर दर्द हो सकता है। 
  • इसमें सिरदर्द बाईं साइड समेत सिर के किसी भी हिस्से में हो सकता है। माइग्रेन से होने वाला सिरदर्द- माइग्रेन के कारण बाईं ओर मध्यम से गंभीर सिरदर्द हो सकता है। 

स‍िर में बाई तरफ दर्द के क्या कारण हैं ?

सिर में बाई तरफ दर्द के अनेक कारण मानें जाते हैं, जिनका वर्णन हम निम्न में प्रस्तुत कर रहें हैं ;

  • माइग्रेन, की समस्या होने पर आपको सिर के बाई तरफ दर्द का आभास होता हैं।  तो वही दर्द के साथ जी म‍िचलाना, उल्‍टी, चक्‍कर के संकेत भी आपमें नज़र आ सकते हैं। 
  • नींद में कमी की वजह से भी आपके सिर के बाई और तेज दर्द हो सकता हैं। 
  • यदि आपके सिर की कोई सर्जरी हुई हो तो भी आपके सिर के बाई और दर्द हो सकता हैं। 
  • आंख के अंदर दबाव पड़ने पर ग्‍लूकोमा नाम की बीमारी भी दर्द का कारण हैं। 
  • ब्रेन ट्यूमर को भी सिर के बाई और दर्द का कारण माना जाता हैं। 

यदि सिर के बाई और दर्द का कारण बढ़ता जा रहा हैं तो इसे बिल्कुल भी नज़रअंदाज़ न करते हुए बेस्ट न्यूरोलॉजिस्ट लुधियाना का चयन करें। 

सिर के बाई और दर्द होने का इलाज क्या हैं ?

सिर में दर्द होने के इलाज को डॉक्टर मरीज़ के दर्द के हिसाब से करते हैं, जैसे

  • दर्द दूर करने के ल‍िए डॉक्‍टर की सलाह पर पेनक‍िलर का सेवन आप कर सकते हैं।
  • स‍िर के एक तरह दर्द होने पर डॉक्‍टर आपको व‍िटाम‍िन्‍स या सप्‍लीमेंट्स लेने की सलाह जरूर देंगे।
  • बाई और दर्द होने पर स‍िर, गर्दन में गरम या ठंडे पानी से सिंकाई जरूर करें।
  • शुगर लेवल लो है, तो कुछ खा लें। क्युकि कुछ न खाने की वजह से भी सिर में तेज दर्द हो सकता हैं।   
  • नीलग‍िरी तेल से माल‍िश करके भी आप दर्द से राहत पा सकते है।

लेकिन इन सब के सेवन को खुद पर आजमाने से पहले आप डॉक्टर से जरूर एक बार सलाह ले। 

सिर के बाई और दर्द क्यों होता हैं इसके कारणों को तो आपने जान ही लिया है, लेकिन इसको जानने के बाद भी आप सतर्क नहीं होते तो इसका खामियाजा आपको काफी खतरनाक देखने को मिलता हैं। 

तो वही यदि आप इस बीमारी का खात्मा जड़ से करना चाहते हैं तो इसके लिए आप झावर न्यूरोलॉजिस्ट हॉस्पिटल का चुनाव भी कर सकते हैं। क्युकि यहाँ पर डॉ सुखदीप सिंह झावर के द्वारा मरीज़ से अच्छे से बात करके उसकी बीमारी को जानने के बाद इनके द्वारा मरीज़ का इलाज किया जाता हैं। तो वहीं इलाज के दौरान इस हॉस्पिटल में आधुनिक उपकरणों का भी इस्तेमाल किया जाता हैं। 

निष्कर्ष :

यदि आपको भी सिर में बाई और दर्द का आभास हो रहा हैं तो कृपया इसे नज़रअंदाज़ न करें, बल्कि समय रहते किसी अच्छे डॉक्टर का चुनाव अपनी परेशानी को हल करने के लिए करें। क्युकि आप सभी जानते हैं कि समय पर किया गया कोई भी कार्य आपको हमेशा लाभ ही पहुंचाता हैं।

Why visit a neurologist if there is something wrong with the neck or back?

Why visit a neurologist if there is something wrong with the neck or back?

With the passage of time, the medical professionals accountable for treating the variety of the treatments are getting increased regularly. Some doctors treat overall health while others have made the…

  • April 8, 2024


Dr. Sukhdeep Jhawar Guide On – The Role & Responsibilities Of A Neurologist

Dr. Sukhdeep Jhawar Guide On – The Role & Responsibilities Of A Neurologist

The Best neurologists in Ludhiana are specialised to treat the problems concerned with the brain and the nervous system. These cannot treat the problems with surgical intervention but they are…

  • April 5, 2024


सिर,पीठ और गर्दन में दर्द की समस्या ने न्यूरो संबंधी बीमारियों को दिया आमंत्रण

 न्यूरोलॉजिस्ट कौन होता हैं ?

० एक न्यूरोलॉजिस्ट मस्तिष्क और तंत्रिका प्रणाली के रोगों के निदान और उपचार में विशेषज्ञ होता है।

० तो वही ये न्यूरोडेवलपमेंटल डिसऑर्डर, और अन्य केंद्रीय तंत्रिका तंत्र से संबंधित स्थितियों जैसी

बीमारियों का भी इलाज करते हैं।

० तंत्रिका विकार या न्यूरोलॉजिकल डिसऑर्डर आमतौर पर नर्वस सिस्टम को प्रभावित करने वाले वायरल, जीवाणु,

कवक और परजीवी संक्रमण के कारण होते हैं।

० नर्वस सिस्टम की बात करें तो इसमें अल्जाइमर रोग, डिमेंशिया, मिर्गी, सेरेब्रोवास्कुलर जैसे माइग्रेन, स्ट्रोक और अन्य

    सिरदर्द शामिल होते हैं।

० न्यूरोलॉजिकल समस्या आमतौर पर किसी वायरल या संक्रमण के कारण होते हैं. इससे हमारे शरीर के कई अंगों को

एक साथ नुकसान पहुंच सकता है।

न्यूरोलॉज़ी के आम लक्षण क्या पाए जाते हैं ?

> सिर, गर्दन, पीठ या शरीर के विभिन्न अंगों में दर्द।

> अंगों का फड़कना, झुनझुनी या कमजोरी का होना।

> कमजोरी, आंखों की रोशनी का कम होना, चक्कर आना और बोलने या निगलने में परेशानी।

> दौरे पड़ना, अंगों का मरोड़ना और बार-बार बेहोश होना।

> मांसपेशियों में अकड़न, कपकपी, याददाश्त या मानसिक क्षमता का कमजोर होना।

भोजन करते समय इन बातों का रखें खास ध्यान!

एक न्यूरोलॉज़ी के मरीज़ को अपने स्वास्थय शरीर के लिए खाने की तरफ खास ध्यान रखना चाहिए, जिनका उल्लेख निम्न हैं

  • हरी-पत्तेदार सब्जियों का सेवन, जोकि विटामिन से भरपूर होने की वजह से हमारे शरीर को पोषण देती हैं।
  • मछली का तेल भी काफी फायदेमंद माना जाता है हमारे सेहत के लिए।
  • डार्क चॉकलेट का इस्तेमाल।
  • ब्रॉक्ली।
  • सामन मछली।
  • अवाकाडो।
  • बादाम।
  • कद्दू के बीज इत्यादि।

न्यूरो संबंधी बीमारियां:

  • सिर दर्द होना।
  • मिर्गी और दौरे का पड़ना।
  • सहलाना या इसे ब्रेन अटैक भी कह सकते हैं |
  • अल्जाइमर रोग और मनोभ्रंश की वजह से मस्तिष्क का सिकुड़ना इत्यादि।

इन रोगो को देखते हुए आप बेस्ट न्यूरोलॉजिस्ट लुधियाना का चयन अपने रोगो और लक्षणों के हिसाब से कर सकते हैं

न्यूरोलॉजिकल डिस्ऑर्डर या न्यूरोलोजी की बीमारी का इलाज क्या हैं?

  1. प्रभावी उपचार के लिए एक अच्छे न्यूरोलॉजिस्ट से परामर्श लें. न्यूरोलॉजिकल स्थिति को जानने के लिए

न्यूरोलॉजिस्ट को कई तरह के परीक्षण करने की जरूरत भी पड़ सकती हैं, आपके रोग जानने के बाद।

  1. कुछ मामलों में, उन्हें गंभीर परिस्थितियों में ऑपरेशन करने के लिए न्यूरोसर्जन या इंटरवेंशनल न्यूरोलॉजिस्ट की मदद

की जरूरत हो सकती है. एक और महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि इस रोग में किसी को भी बिना घबराए बहुत ही संयम के

साथ चलना चाहिए और जरूरी भावनात्मक समर्थन और देखभाल की व्यवस्था जरूर से करनी चाहिए

  1. क्युकि अच्छे देखभाल की वजह से रोगी जल्दी ठीक हो जाता हैं।

यदि आप भी मस्तिष्क के रोग से निजात पाना चाहते हैं, तो झवार न्यूरोलॉजी हॉस्पिटल का चयन आपके और आपके सेहत के लिए काफी सही रहेगा और साथ ही मष्तिष्क से जुडी जो भी स्कैन होते है | उसकी सुविधा भी इस हॉस्पिटल में मौजूद हैं। जिससे की लोगो को किसी भी तरह की परेशानी के लिए भटकना नहीं पड़ेगा |

 निष्कर्ष :

लक्षण के हिसाब से यदि आपको मष्तिष्क से जुडी कोई भी परेशानी का सामना करना पड़ रहा है तो आप अपने डॉक्टर से सलाह लेकर किसे अच्छे न्यूरोलॉजिस्ट के सम्पर्क में आए ताकि आपकी बीमारी का रोकथाम वही पर कर दिया जाए। जिससे की आपको ज्यादा परेशानी का सामना नहीं करना पड़ेगा।

Why visit a neurologist if there is something wrong with the neck or back?

Why visit a neurologist if there is something wrong with the neck or back?

With the passage of time, the medical professionals accountable for treating the variety of the treatments are getting increased regularly. Some doctors treat overall health while others have made the…

  • April 8, 2024


Dr. Sukhdeep Jhawar Guide On – The Role & Responsibilities Of A Neurologist

Dr. Sukhdeep Jhawar Guide On – The Role & Responsibilities Of A Neurologist

The Best neurologists in Ludhiana are specialised to treat the problems concerned with the brain and the nervous system. These cannot treat the problems with surgical intervention but they are…

  • April 5, 2024


Neuro-Ophthalmology: Everything You Need To Know About It

Most people believe that neurological disorders mostly affect brain activities, but what they are unaware of, neurological disorders also affect your vision and eye health.

The worst part about such disorders is, people think that they are facing eyesight issues generally, because of which they will never visit a neurologist in Ludhiana.

In this post, we will talk about the neurological sector that deals with vision, the symptoms, and how you can treat them.

What do you mean by Neuro-Ophthalmology?

 Neuro-Ophthalmology comprises two words: neuro and ophthalmology; in simple words, this means dealing with neurological disorders that affect your eyesight.

We all know the basic working of our eyes, everything that our eyes see is collected in the form of signals and then the optic nerve collects all the data and develops a proper image based on those signals.

Just imagine if your optic nerve stops working normally then your whole vision will get impaired. In such a situation, Neuro-Ophthalmology procedures are used with the help of which firstly the issue is examined, and then they are cured on the basis of your condition.

People usually think that the vision issues they are facing are generic and they never think about the neurological disorder angle around these issues, which makes this condition even more serious.

Some Neuro-Ophthalmology Disorders

As discussed above, most people think they are facing generic eyesight issues because they have never thought about or heard neurological disorders affect your eyesight.

But now as we have learned about them, let us also have a look at some of the most faced neuro-ophthalmology disorders:

  • Optic Neuritis:

This is one such neurological disorder in the optic nerve with which you will face inflammation all over your optic nerve. In this way, the overall working of the optic nerve will be disturbed. Hence it will lead to a disturbed vision.

 Make sure you get in touch with Jhawar Neuro to get this issue treated with the best neurosurgeons in Ludhiana.

  • Nutritional Optic Neuropathy:

Let’s talk about a serious vision-related disorder that is developed because of deficiencies in a few nutrients, such as vitamin B and more. If you are someone who drinks a lot of alcohol, then you are at a higher risk of this health issue.

  • Diabetic Neuropathy:

This is the third most common disorder, which is usually noticed in people with diabetes. In such a situation, your optic nerve is damaged because of high blood sugar levels.

Treatment for Neuro-Ophthalmology Disorders 

There are a number of ways the help of which you can treat neuro-ophthalmology disorders, although your disorders are precisely checked and how severe they are. The treatment methods used for these disorders are medications and injections, and if you are at a serious stage of this disorder, then you could also have to go for surgery.

In serious conditions, the issues are removed using processes such as vitrectomy.


 Neuro- Ophthalmology is a serious disorder, and it can provide a lot of damage to your vision if not diagnosed or treated at the right time. We hope you are able to learn a lot about these disorders and how you can treat them.

If you are looking for a professional neurosurgeon to treat these issues, then Jhawar Neuro is the perfect place for you.

Why visit a neurologist if there is something wrong with the neck or back?

Why visit a neurologist if there is something wrong with the neck or back?

With the passage of time, the medical professionals accountable for treating the variety of the treatments are getting increased regularly. Some doctors treat overall health while others have made the…

  • April 8, 2024


Dr. Sukhdeep Jhawar Guide On – The Role & Responsibilities Of A Neurologist

Dr. Sukhdeep Jhawar Guide On – The Role & Responsibilities Of A Neurologist

The Best neurologists in Ludhiana are specialised to treat the problems concerned with the brain and the nervous system. These cannot treat the problems with surgical intervention but they are…

  • April 5, 2024


Don’t Neglect The Signs That Points Towards Consulting A Neurologist

Neuro care deserves primary attention

Every part of our body is connected. Especially in neuro health, there’s a possibility that the problem has occurred due to some other reason or that a specific neuro problem can trigger some other major health concern. And that’s the reason it plays prime importance to get supervision from one of the experienced and skilled neurologist in Ludhiana. As everything is interlinked, it’s essential not to neglect any situation. The brain or nervous system functioning is essential to keep overall health balanced. Consulting the neurologist allows one to get treatment for the following:

  • Brain Health
  • Spinal cord
  • Nerves and muscles problem
  • And much more

If the problem seems to be worse, only then the neurosurgeons in Phagwara will suggest going down the path of surgery to handle the situation on time.

What are the reasons or signs of consulting a neurologist?

When you begin to have any related neurological disorder, it’s important to consult the neurologist at the earliest. The doctor’s assistance will make a huge difference in helping address the symptoms and ensuring the problem gets under control on time. Now, here are some of the signs and symptoms that tell about consulting the neurologist on time:

Sign 1: Headaches that get severe and difficult to tolerate

Headache or migraine headaches are common. But, if the problem is continuous and it’s making you stop yourself from enjoying your daily life, then better schedule an appointment with the neurologist at the earliest. The doctor will find the reason and tell the effective treatment plan.

Sign 2: Chronic pain that’s difficult to handle

Chronic pain is another common reason that requires scheduling a neurologist consultation. There’s a possibility that the problem has occurred due to a concern for other health issues. So, the neurologist can make the necessary connection between the two and tell how to handle the situation.

Sign 3: Dizziness

Dizziness and vertigo are a concern that requires neurologist assistance on time. There’s a huge possibility that the problem has occurred due to something serious. Handling the same on time would make it easier to help your overall health.

Sign 4: Unable to move the body properly

Movement disorders like tremors, unwanted jerks, difficulty walking like normal, and continuous shaking of feet can signify major problems. Consult the neurologist to identify what’s the issue.

Sign 5: Tingling or numbness sensation

Do you often get numbness in your hand? Or Does a tingling sensation always occur on the side of the body? Don’t ignore such signs, as they might be the reason for something serious.

Sign 6: Unable to memorize everything

When you or someone you know begins to show memory-related problems, it’s a possible sign of Alzheimer’s disease. The person can begin to forget things or even recall what they said. Under this state, it’s essential to get the problem addressed in the initial stage.


Why visit a neurologist if there is something wrong with the neck or back?

Why visit a neurologist if there is something wrong with the neck or back?

With the passage of time, the medical professionals accountable for treating the variety of the treatments are getting increased regularly. Some doctors treat overall health while others have made the…

  • April 8, 2024


Dr. Sukhdeep Jhawar Guide On – The Role & Responsibilities Of A Neurologist

Dr. Sukhdeep Jhawar Guide On – The Role & Responsibilities Of A Neurologist

The Best neurologists in Ludhiana are specialised to treat the problems concerned with the brain and the nervous system. These cannot treat the problems with surgical intervention but they are…

  • April 5, 2024


Do you want to learn about neurosurgeons and their work?

In this modern era, people are more likely to have several neurological health issues, such as spinal pain, weakened bones, headaches, joint pain, muscle stretching, etc. They live a better life until these problems do not turn worse, but when they start suffering from these issues, they cannot live comfortably. The team of best Neurosurgeons Ludhiana states that a significant risk is the constant occurrence of unwanted headaches or spinal pain that sometimes leads to internal issues such as tumors.

Moving further, with the advancement of technology, our scientist has become capable of dealing with mild to severe neurological issues, whether brain tumor or herniated discs. So, it is recommended that whenever you find something unusual that happens with your nervous system, you must seek help from the experienced Neurologist in Ludhiana.

What is the work of a neurosurgeon?

A Neurosurgeon is an expert with exceptional knowledge about central and peripheral nervous system disorders. The human nervous system consists of the spinal cord, brain, vertebrae, skull, and cranial and spinal nerves on the outer sides of the central nervous system.

A neurosurgeon specializes in diagnosing and rectifying following nerve and brain problems.

  • Strokes and arteriovenous malformations.
  • Brain or spine infections.
  • Peripheral nerve injury.
    Congenital issues such as scoliosis and hydrocephalus.
  • Vascular disorders.
  • Cysts and tumors of the spine and brain.
  • Epilepsy due to trauma, genetics, or ailments.
  • Chronic pain due to trigeminal neuralgia, Sciatica, nerve
  • compression syndrome, and cervical spine illnesses.
  • Degenerative spine problems include herniated discs, osteoarthritis, and lumbar spinal stenosis.

Qualification and training of a Neurosurgeon

Becoming a neurosurgeon is not child’s play. A person with a keen interest in the neurology field can become a successful neurosurgeon by getting appropriate qualifications and training. They are calm-minded and patient in identifying a problem from all sides to know the root cause and offer the necessary treatment. Dr. Jawar’s Clinic is the best place to deal with neurological disorders.

Furthermore, neurosurgeons must first clear a NEET exam to enroll in any reputed medical college. After that, they completed four years of pre-med and spent four years in medical school. After that, they obtain a one-year postgraduate internship and seven years of residency. Several doctors also opt for fellowship training to become highly specialized in their subjects. After completing training, they joined hospitals as junior neurologists and gained more experience under the guidance of experienced neurosurgeons.

Neurosurgeon rectifies following neurological issues

Following is the list of neurological disorders that a neurosurgeon treats:

  • Traumatic brain, neck, head, and spine injuries.
  • Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) leaks and pinched nerves.
  • Chronic pain in the neck or back and seizure disorders (epilepsy).
    Brain tumors & Carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Genetic spinal column issues such as tethered spinal cord & spina bifida.
  • Herniated disks & Hydrocephalus and MS (Multiple sclerosis) & Sciatica.
  • Spinal tumors, spinal stenosis & spinal fractures.
  • Parkinson’s disease and spinal bone spurs (osteophytes).
    Intracranial aneurysms.
  • Spinal deformities (including spondylolisthesis & scoliosis).
  • Congenital brain illnesses like arachnoid cysts & Chiari malformations.

Neurosurgeons confer a wide array of treatment options

These are:

  • Endoscopic surgery.
  • Minimally invasive surgery.
  • Microsurgery.
  • Chronic pain interventional procedures.
  • Open surgery.
  • Radiosurgery.
  • Endovascular surgery.


Why visit a neurologist if there is something wrong with the neck or back?

Why visit a neurologist if there is something wrong with the neck or back?

With the passage of time, the medical professionals accountable for treating the variety of the treatments are getting increased regularly. Some doctors treat overall health while others have made the…

  • April 8, 2024


Dr. Sukhdeep Jhawar Guide On – The Role & Responsibilities Of A Neurologist

Dr. Sukhdeep Jhawar Guide On – The Role & Responsibilities Of A Neurologist

The Best neurologists in Ludhiana are specialised to treat the problems concerned with the brain and the nervous system. These cannot treat the problems with surgical intervention but they are…

  • April 5, 2024


5 handful of tips to begin the search for the right neurosurgeon

Neuro health deserves the right attention

For the well-being of your neuro health, it’s essential to be mindful and don’t take anything lightly. If you are looking for a neurosurgeon, it’s essential to choose one who is experienced and knows how to improve your health effectively. The skill set of the best Neurologist in Ludhiana plays a prime role in improving well-being effectively. When choosing a neurosurgeon, there are a few important factors you should keep in mind, as mentioned in the blog.

Tips for choosing the right neurosurgeon

Tip 1: Do check the surgeon’s credentials

The field of neurosurgery is extremely vast and requires proper precision & planning. Therefore, when you choose the best neurosurgeon in Ludhiana, check the credentials to ensure the search is going in the right direction. Make sure the surgeon evolves with growing technology and has an understanding of the different conditions & techniques to handle everything.

Tip 2: Be mindful of neurosurgeon success rate

Neurosurgery is complex and requires precision. Therefore, you should check the neurosurgery success rate to be sure their attempt to perform the surgery goes in the right direction. Additionally, it gives a better idea about their understanding of the technology & all the required methods. The higher the success rate, the better the patient review rate.

Tip 3: Check the patient reviews

Make sure to check past patient reviews to have an understanding of their skills. The patient reviews tell you better about how well the surgeon handled the treatment plan and whether the surgeon provided the treatment depending on the patient’s needs. If you notice any bad review or that seems to give a negative feeling, consider the same. You can check the reviews through search engines or websites.

Tip 4: Save yourself from trouble and check the neurosurgeon facilities

To save yourself from a stressful situation, you need to check the facilities the neurosurgeon provides. The facilities provided by the neurosurgeon give you a better understanding of what needs to be done and how everything will be handled. The availability of advanced and modern approach is essential. So, make sure you check the same & make the necessary decision accordingly.

Tip 5: Gives you time to schedule a consultation

Don’t let the neurosurgeon perform the surgery right away. You must get proper clarity about your situation and what treatment plan you need. So, make sure the neurosurgeon emphasizes scheduling the initial consultation to have a face-to-face talk.

One last word

If you are looking for one, schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Jhawar, one of the most experienced and skilled neurosurgeons offering advanced and inventive neuro care for you and your family.

Why visit a neurologist if there is something wrong with the neck or back?

Why visit a neurologist if there is something wrong with the neck or back?

With the passage of time, the medical professionals accountable for treating the variety of the treatments are getting increased regularly. Some doctors treat overall health while others have made the…

  • April 8, 2024


Dr. Sukhdeep Jhawar Guide On – The Role & Responsibilities Of A Neurologist

Dr. Sukhdeep Jhawar Guide On – The Role & Responsibilities Of A Neurologist

The Best neurologists in Ludhiana are specialised to treat the problems concerned with the brain and the nervous system. These cannot treat the problems with surgical intervention but they are…

  • April 5, 2024


What Is Coma, Its Common Symptoms, Causes, And Complications?

What Is Coma?

A coma is basically a state of extended unconsciousness. There are various reasons that can lead to coma. Some of those issues include stroke, traumatic head injury, brain tumor, and alcohol or drug intoxication. Even underlying health conditions, such as infection or diabetes, can cause coma.

According to the Neurologist in Ludhiana, a coma is a medical emergency. In such a situation, you would have to take swift actions to preserve life and the function of the brain. To determine the issue, the doctor in a Brain Hospital In Punjab conducts several blood tests and even brain scans. This technique helps them to understand the real cause of coma and further plan a treatment strategy.

What Are The Symptoms Of Coma?

Let us now move toward the symptoms of coma to get an understanding of its indication:

  1. Closed eyes.
  2. No response to limbs, apart from having some reflex movements.
  3. Having depressed brainstem reflexes, such as pupils not responding to light.
  4. There is no response to any painful stimuli. Except for the reflex movements.
  5. Irregular breathing. 

When Should You Visit A Doctor?

Do not wait any longer than you already did. A coma is a medical emergency that you can not neglect. Seek professional health care immediately for the person who is in a coma.

What Are The Causes Of Coma?

There are many issues that can lead to coma. Some of the common problems include: 

  1. Traumatic brain injury

Traumatic injury often happens due to an act of violence or traffic collisions.

  1. Stroke

If there is a reduction or interruption in the blood supply to the brain, also known as stroke, it can result in bursting blood vessels or blocking arthritis.

  1. Tumors

If you suffer from a tumor in the brainstem or brain, it can result in a coma.

  1. Diabetes

Your blood sugar level, if it is too low (hypoglycemia) or too high (hyperglycemia), can lead to coma.

  1. Lack of oxygen

People who have been resuscitated after a heart attack or rescued from drowning might not be awake because of a lack of oxygen to the brain.

  1. Infections

Certain infections, such as meningitis and encephalitis, can cause swelling in the spinal cord, brain, and tissues surrounding the brain. Severe conditions of this issue can result in brain damage or even coma.

  1. Seizures

If you are suffering from ongoing seizures, it can lead to coma.

  1. Toxins

If you are exposed to toxins such as lead or carbon monoxide, you can suffer from brain damage or coma.

  1. Drug and alcohol

Overdosing on alcohol or drugs can also cause coma.

What Are The Complications Of Coma?

In most cases, the patient in a coma gradually recovers from the issue. However, there are also cases where they go into a vegetative state or die. Some people who recover from a coma might suffer from some minor or major disabilities.

You can develop complications during a coma, such as urinary tract infections, pressure sores, blood clots in the legs, and many others.

Final Comments

Contact Dr. Jhawar Neuro for healthy neurological health. Visit our website to get more information.

Why visit a neurologist if there is something wrong with the neck or back?

Why visit a neurologist if there is something wrong with the neck or back?

With the passage of time, the medical professionals accountable for treating the variety of the treatments are getting increased regularly. Some doctors treat overall health while others have made the…

  • April 8, 2024


Dr. Sukhdeep Jhawar Guide On – The Role & Responsibilities Of A Neurologist

Dr. Sukhdeep Jhawar Guide On – The Role & Responsibilities Of A Neurologist

The Best neurologists in Ludhiana are specialised to treat the problems concerned with the brain and the nervous system. These cannot treat the problems with surgical intervention but they are…

  • April 5, 2024


Neuroendoscopy surgery: Let’s catch on advanced skull base surgery

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Why visit a neurologist if there is something wrong with the neck or back?

Why visit a neurologist if there is something wrong with the neck or back?

With the passage of time, the medical professionals accountable for treating the variety of the treatments are getting increased regularly. Some doctors treat overall health while others have made the…

  • April 8, 2024


Dr. Sukhdeep Jhawar Guide On – The Role & Responsibilities Of A Neurologist

Dr. Sukhdeep Jhawar Guide On – The Role & Responsibilities Of A Neurologist

The Best neurologists in Ludhiana are specialised to treat the problems concerned with the brain and the nervous system. These cannot treat the problems with surgical intervention but they are…

  • April 5, 2024


Advanced and technically sound treatment for brain and neurological problems

Are you diagnosed with a tumor?

Indeed! It’s heartbreaking to get this news. Most tumor patients are concerned about finding the treatment that allows them to live a tumor-free life. In the search for the same, you must look for one of the Best Neurologist in Ludhiana and let the situation get correctly under control.

Neurologist provide both operative and nonoperative care

As no two individuals are the same, the neurologist will first check the entire condition. Proper medical evaluation is the primary step to finding whether your condition requires operative or nonoperative care. Although, thanks to modern technology, it’s easier to find inventive and advanced care at the top-rated Neuro Hospital.

With the diagnosis, it’s easier to understand which treatment works best for which age group. All in all, the right care is given with the medical professional’s expertise. If there’s any doubt in your mind, then it’s important to know the exact reason behind the same.

Neurologist treats both spine and brain-related problems

The assistance of the brain and Spine Doctors in Punjab plays paramount importance in checking the specific concern. The experienced and board-certified neurologist has the expertise to address the health concerns related to the following:

  • Spinal cord injury
  • Age group
  • Cervical neck
  • Low back disorder
  • And many other concerns

The neurologist’s expertise helps rectify the disorders of the brain, spinal cord, muscle, pain, and nerves. The neurologist can easily check what’s the concern and through the inventive modern treatment approach, the focus is made to correct any of the problems linked to health concerns like:

  • Headache
  • Epilepsy
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Pain
  • Tremor
  • Brain and spinal cord injury
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Stroke
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Much more

So, the neurologist checks the entire state and accordingly tells which sort of treatment would make the difference.

Brain tumor treatment with an advanced approach

The brain is one of the delicate organs in the body that requires inventive and safer treatment plans. The brain tumor is located in the central spinal canal or human skull. The problem of abnormal cell division in an uncontrolled manner needs extremely effective care. Moreover, the tumor can affect the different parts of the brain like:

  • Blood vessels
  • Skull
  • Pituitary gland
  • Pineal gland
  • Brain envelopes
  • Cranial nerves

There are high chances the tumor spreads easily from cancer to other body parts or organs.

Personalized brain tumor treatment

The adult and child brain and spinal cord tumors vary from one another. Additionally, the tumor location is different in every case. Therefore, the cell types may develop from one another. You need to be extremely careful in getting the right and most effective treatment plan. In some cases, the tumor can develop from the cells. In medical terms, it’s called gliomas which are of 3 different types, and these are:

  • Astrocytes
  • Oligodendrocytes
  • Ependymal cells

Therefore, it’s important to properly check the condition and see what works best for which patients.

Why visit a neurologist if there is something wrong with the neck or back?

Why visit a neurologist if there is something wrong with the neck or back?

With the passage of time, the medical professionals accountable for treating the variety of the treatments are getting increased regularly. Some doctors treat overall health while others have made the…

  • April 8, 2024


Dr. Sukhdeep Jhawar Guide On – The Role & Responsibilities Of A Neurologist

Dr. Sukhdeep Jhawar Guide On – The Role & Responsibilities Of A Neurologist

The Best neurologists in Ludhiana are specialised to treat the problems concerned with the brain and the nervous system. These cannot treat the problems with surgical intervention but they are…

  • April 5, 2024


Enlist the most common neurological problems and their treatment

Neurological care plays an essential role in overall well-being

Neuro problems are common and affect the nervous system of the body. It’s important to address any kind of neurology problem on time. Otherwise, the chances of severe complications and health issues are higher. So, if you suspect any problem related to the brain and spinal cord, you should consult one of the Best Neurologist in Punjab to manage the situation and know which treatment plan would improve the condition.

Time and early treatment are huge factors in keeping the entire nervous system on track. If you have an excess headache or back pain problem, you need an on-time diagnosis and proper medical evaluation from the best Spine Doctor in Ludhiana.

Most common Neurological problems and their treatment

Problem 1: Acute spinal cord injury

SCI happens for different reasons like playing sports, falling, or having motor vehicle accidents. The chances of severe SCI injury trigger permanent disability or death in adults and children. The problem can impact various spinal parts, and if you keep delaying the problem, your condition will only worsen.

Like the upper part, spinal cord damage has chances of paralysis, respiratory muscle failure, inability to breathe properly, and severe cases can lead to death. Although there are no ways to reverse the spine damage, you need to get treatment at the earliest. Make sure you take all the necessary medications on time, as the doctor suggests.

Problem 2: Alzheimer’s disease

Patients with Alzheimer’s need prompt medical attention at the Neuro Hospital in Ludhiana. The problem directly affects the brain health and, most commonly elderly. With this condition, there’s a possibility of nerve damage in the brain, and it can even die. The right care and treatment are essential as the person easily forgets things. It’s the change in a mental state that affects the overall quality of life. Here are some of the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease that should not be ignored are:

  • Problems with language
  • Mood and behavior changes are frequent
  • Difficulty performing regular tasks
  • Disorientation regarding time and date
  • Loss of memory especially remembering people

Although the problem cannot be treated, there are possible options like:

  • Medications
  • Physical exercise
  • Socialization

It’s essential to take proper care of your mental health, or if someone around you has a problem, you need to be extra careful. If you notice any of the given symptoms, then make sure to get the right care on time to make the situation get under control.

Get on-time medical assistance

If you are looking for a neurologist who offers the most inventive and right care, then schedule an initial consultation with Dr Sukhdeep Singh Jhawar to make the situation most appropriate. In case, there’s any doubt on your mind then talk about the same with our neurologist to better plan everything.

Why visit a neurologist if there is something wrong with the neck or back?

Why visit a neurologist if there is something wrong with the neck or back?

With the passage of time, the medical professionals accountable for treating the variety of the treatments are getting increased regularly. Some doctors treat overall health while others have made the…

  • April 8, 2024


Dr. Sukhdeep Jhawar Guide On – The Role & Responsibilities Of A Neurologist

Dr. Sukhdeep Jhawar Guide On – The Role & Responsibilities Of A Neurologist

The Best neurologists in Ludhiana are specialised to treat the problems concerned with the brain and the nervous system. These cannot treat the problems with surgical intervention but they are…

  • April 5, 2024