Understanding Cervicogenic Headache- Symptoms, and Solutions

One of the common problems that everyone usually experiences is headaches. You should be aware that those are normal headaches, and they also have different types. One of them is cervicogenic headache, also known as cervical headache. At Neuromaster, our experts have resembled this type of head pain with migraines or even tension headaches, which also occur with neck pain. 


Basically, if you have a cervicogenic headache, the pain will originate from your neck, but you will feel it in a part of your face or your head. Having the same symptoms as head pain can lead to confusion, which makes these cervical headaches an overlooked condition. There are several cervicogenic headache treatments in Ludhiana that could relieve the effects of this headache along with appropriate intervention.

You can get easily confused with cervicogenic headaches or head pain like migraines. So, there are some symptoms that can help you distinguish between them. The symptoms are:- 


  1. Headache: One of the most prominent symptoms is a headache, which is typically one-sided for cervicogenic headaches, but it can also affect both sides of your head. You will experience a dull and aching sensation either from your head or from the neck to the base of the skull.


  1. Limited range of motion: As you experience pain in your neck, you will see that the normal range of motion of your neck has gradually decreased.


  1. Pain triggers : Another symptom that will assure your need for cervicogenic headache treatment in Ludhiana is when certain movements of your neck are making your headache worse than usual. If you tilt your head or keep it in a stable position for a long time, it will exacerbate more pain.


  1. Degenerative changes: If you are experiencing some degenerative changes in your neck joints, such as osteoarthritis, this highly contributes to a cervicogenic headache.


  1. Whiplash Injury: When there is severe trauma to your neck from incidents like whiplash. That particular impact on your neck can manifest as cervicogenic headaches.


  1. Muscle spasms: Pain or spasms in your neck are the root cause of cervicogenic headaches, as specified by the neurologist in Punjab. Spasms are like tightness or tension in your joints, which can cause pain that extends to your skull.


There are treatment options or medications available that can help you to get relief from cervicogenic headaches. The options are:- 


  • Medications: When you have some uncomfortable or excessively painful symptoms, then pain relievers can be ideal for getting much-needed relief. The medications are:-
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Drugs
  • Muscle relaxants or anti-depressants
  • Anticonvulsant medicines


  • Physical Therapy:- This is one of the initial treatment options for cervicogenic headaches. The neurologists in Punjab will indicate the source of your pain or discomfort so that they can stimulate the soft tissues and alleviate your points of sensation.


  • Radio Frequency Ablation:- If you are suffering from cervicogenic headache, this process could be beneficial for you. This process is also called radiofrequency neurolysis, which we employ to heat the tip of a needle. That same needle will be inserted into your nerve, which is causing you pain. Heating it numbs the nerve, which disrupts the brain’s ability to send pain signals.

CTA: ‘’If you don’t attend to this problem quickly then the chronic episodes of pain could affect your life. So, schedule an appointment with Neuromaster for an optimal treatment.’’




Cervicogenic headache is a severe situation, and you shouldn’t ignore this problem because it could affect your quality of life by causing some long-term problems. The experts will help you to distinguish the problem. So, if you are experiencing symptoms related to cervicogenic headache, consult with our experts so that we can alleviate your problem.

Brain Tumours: Types, Symptoms and Causes
Brain Tumours

Brain Tumours: Types, Symptoms and Causes

When a person faces neurological troubles, it is imperative to make certain that you are able to seek treatment. This is particularly true when one does not know what has…

  • February 15, 2025


Understanding Cervicogenic Headache- Symptoms, and Solutions

Understanding Cervicogenic Headache- Symptoms, and Solutions

One of the common problems that everyone usually experiences is headaches. You should be aware that those are normal headaches, and they also have different types. One of them is…

  • January 15, 2025


Things You Should Know About Essential Tremor (ET)

There are common disorders that affect millions of people and significantly impact their daily lives. One of the disorders includes essential tremor (ET). It is one of the common neurological disorders that is subjected to movements like shaking of different parts of the body. There are complete diagnoses and treatments offered by medical sciences to manage essential tremors. If someone in your family is also having essential tremors and you are finding the right solution, then come to us. Our best neurologist in Ludhiana will provide exceptional services and treatment to manage crucial tremors. 

In specific terms, essential tremor (ET) is characterized by involuntary rhythmic movements like shaking. Most individuals feel shaking sensations in their hands. Other parts of the body that are affected by the essential tremor have severe sensations in their arms, head, and voice. It can occur while performing activities such as writing, eating and performing critical tasks, so it dramatically impacts daily life activities. It can occur to any individual of any age group.  Most commonly, individuals develop essential tremors after adolescence. A large number of individuals develop essential tremors because of their family history. Some individuals have severe symptoms, and others have mild symptoms. Both conditions can be managed easily after consulting with a neurologist.

Major Symptoms Of Essential Tremor (ET) 

  • Shaking is one of the major symptoms of essential tremor. The shaking gets worse with movement and does not affect much when one is resting. 
  • Uncontrollable nodding of the head and quivering sound in voice are other strong symptoms of essential tremor.  
  • You will notice that one is facing gripping issues in holding things, and activities like drawing or writing are becoming difficult to perform for them. 

The primary symptoms of essential tremors are mentioned above, which indicate that one is suffering from essential tremors. To carry out the diagnosis and treatment process, visit the best neurologist in Ludhiana. A doctor can diagnose a person better and provide effective ways to manage it.  

Treatments for essential tremors include medications and lifestyle change therapies that help in the comprehensive management of the disorders.  

Medications That Are Prescribed By Neurologists Are Listed Below: 

  • Propranolol
  • Primidone 
  • Gabapentin 
  • Topiramate 
  • Benzodiazepines (e.g., clonazepam) 

Lifestyle And Supportive Therapies Are Listed Below 

  • To improve motor control, therapists can guide you to perform certain physical movements. It helps reduce the impact of tremors while performing daily activities. 
  • Stress and anxiety are the two factors that drastically exacerbate tremors. So therapists advised individuals to perform meditating activities and make them perform yoga to promote proper circulation in the body. It is clinically proven that regular meditation and yoga lowers the symptoms of disorders.  
  • Several lifestyle and dietary changes are also advised to initiate. Avoiding caffeine, adequate sleep, a balanced diet, and managing stimulants are some of the essential changes that an individual with crucial tremors must make for effective management.  

In conclusion, essential tremors can make your life challenging, but if you take appropriate medical assistance, you can manage it well. Many treatments are available that improve the quality of life and ease the daily activities you carry out. You can reduce the effect of symptoms by taking medically prescribed medications and therapies that ultimately reduce the overall impact of Essential tremors. By getting appropriate knowledge, one can navigate the situation with confidence. 


Brain Tumours: Types, Symptoms and Causes
Brain Tumours

Brain Tumours: Types, Symptoms and Causes

When a person faces neurological troubles, it is imperative to make certain that you are able to seek treatment. This is particularly true when one does not know what has…

  • February 15, 2025


Understanding Cervicogenic Headache- Symptoms, and Solutions

Understanding Cervicogenic Headache- Symptoms, and Solutions

One of the common problems that everyone usually experiences is headaches. You should be aware that those are normal headaches, and they also have different types. One of them is…

  • January 15, 2025


Why visit a neurologist if there is something wrong with the neck or back?

With the passage of time, the medical professionals accountable for treating the variety of the treatments are getting increased regularly. Some doctors treat overall health while others have made the specific discipline their field of study.


For example, It is the Best Neurologist in Ludhiana who has made the treatment of the nerves, brain and the nerves as the field of their study while the spinal surgeon makes use of the surgical intervention to treat both the back and the neck pain.

Did you know?

I know when it comes to getting treated with the conditions of neck pain or back pain, then you might consider visiting the spinal surgeon. But what if I tell you that visiting a neurologist would be more beneficial since:

He accurately diagnoses the condition

According to the Neurosurgeon In Punjab, “There are so many different causes of both neck and back pain, the most common of them are associated with nerve problems. As neurologists are known for treating the various conditions associated with the nerves, they are highly efficient in treating neck or back issues caused due to either nerve damage or compression.”

More Conservative Treatments

Many people consider listing the spinal surgeon when it comes to neck or back pain. But visiting a neurologist is still the best option since they have so many kinds of treatments available.

Did you know?

One of the main reasons why we do not suggest you visit the spinal surgeon is that they only offer you surgical interventions.  Visiting a neurologist is beneficial since you will not be suggested with the surgical intervention on the first go.

Appropriate treatment plan

There are so many causes that are associated with both back and neck pain. Certain cases do only get better when spinal surgeries are performed. There are so many kinds of hospitals including the one headed by Dr Sukhdeep Singh Jhawar in which the neurologist does coordinate with the spinal surgeons to make sure that an efficient treatment plan is formed.

Trustworthy Referrals

We are not at all intending to exaggerate the role of the neurologist since we do accept there may arise certain conditions which cannot be treated by the neurologist. In that case, the neurologist tends to refer the particular case to the spinal surgeon to make sure that the patient is getting benefited from the right kind of procedure.

Long-Term Care

The neurologist is usually considered as the Primary Care doctor that makes sure that your nervous system is working well. With long term care, we mean everything that a patient needs to establish the well-being of the nervous system. Also, in case the decision needs to be made whether you should opt up for the surgical intervention or not, the neurologist will help you with everything possible.

Brain Tumours: Types, Symptoms and Causes
Brain Tumours

Brain Tumours: Types, Symptoms and Causes

When a person faces neurological troubles, it is imperative to make certain that you are able to seek treatment. This is particularly true when one does not know what has…

  • February 15, 2025


Understanding Cervicogenic Headache- Symptoms, and Solutions

Understanding Cervicogenic Headache- Symptoms, and Solutions

One of the common problems that everyone usually experiences is headaches. You should be aware that those are normal headaches, and they also have different types. One of them is…

  • January 15, 2025


Detailed Description of Slip Discs- Their Types, Symptoms and Risks

Neurological disorders are distressing for everyone, and slip discs or herniated discs are one of those problems. This issue originated basically in your lower back or in your neck region. The circular cushions that are in your vertebrae are known as disks, which act as a kind of buffer between the bones and facilitate optimal and perfectly flexible movement. At Neuromaster, we have several slip disk treatments in Ludhiana that will help you get rid of the discomfort and pain that you experience. It is also referred to as a musculoskeletal disorder that can deeply affect your quality of life and can prevent you from completing even the smallest and simplest of tasks.

Slip disc is not a specific procedure, but it has several other types, which are based on the nature and locations of your damaged discs. The several kinds of slip discs are : 


  • Protrusion: It is one of the most common slip disc problems that you can encounter. In this, your disc will bulge out, but it won’t rupture the outer fibrous ring. Instead, it pokes out your spinal canal without breaking the outer layer.


  • Extrusion: In this, the nucleus of your disk will break through the fibrous ring, but specifically, it will remain within the disk. The difference between protrusion and extrusion will only lie in their shape or position, which will require a slip disk treatment in Ludhiana to cure it.


  • Sequestration: This causes you severe pain and discomfort. In this case, the nucleus of your disk will break the fibrous matter and then separate and float to the spinal canal.


  • Bulging disc: This problem is a bit different from a herniated disk, in which the disk starts bulging out to a whole circumference. This is a kind of disc expansion rather than a herniation problem that can only be solved by a spine surgeon in Punjab.

There are several kinds of these slip discs. But is it possible to indicate this herniated disc problem beforehand for both the neck and the lower back? The symptoms for both are : 


In the spinal region, these are symptoms that you will encounter while suffering from herniated lumbar disks. These are : 


  1. Slight presence of pain in the lower back
  2. Feeling a sense of tingle or numbness in your feet or legs
  3. When you are experiencing some weakness in your muscles


For the cases that concern the herniated cervical discs. The symptoms referred by the spine surgeon in Punjab that could help in indicating are : 


  1. The feeling of pain between your shoulder blades
  2. That specific pain extends to your arms, shoulder, fingers
  3. Discomfort in the back or even at the side of your neck
  4. During turning or bending of the neck, severe pain is present.


These are some of the common factors that influence the occurrence of the slip disc issue. Such as : 


  • Having excess body weight can put a strain on the discs
  • Genetic could also be a cause of slipped disc
  • Smoking reduces the supply of the optimal amount of oxygen to the discs leading to a breakdown
  • Indulging in physically demanding jobs could also be a factor


Conclusion : 


Slip discs tend to be a major burden for everyone, and they can cause severe discomfort and pain if their treatment gets delayed. There are several types, such as bulging, sequestration, protrusion and extrusion, all of which could be equally disturbing and painful for you. The causes of these might be genetics, prolonged sitting, smoking, and many others. 

Brain Tumours: Types, Symptoms and Causes
Brain Tumours

Brain Tumours: Types, Symptoms and Causes

When a person faces neurological troubles, it is imperative to make certain that you are able to seek treatment. This is particularly true when one does not know what has…

  • February 15, 2025


Understanding Cervicogenic Headache- Symptoms, and Solutions

Understanding Cervicogenic Headache- Symptoms, and Solutions

One of the common problems that everyone usually experiences is headaches. You should be aware that those are normal headaches, and they also have different types. One of them is…

  • January 15, 2025


Warning Signs Of Brain Hemorrhage That Caregivers Should Know

One of the most critical brain conditions that can lead to loss of life is brain hemorrhage. It is a situation that is termed for the bleeding within the brain or in its surrounding membranes. Brain hemorrhage is a condition that requires immediate medical care; otherwise, one has to face serious complications that can also lead to death. Your near and dear ones can see the signs of brain hemorrhage and can provide you with the necessary medical support. Timely identification of early signs and appropriate Brain hemorrhage treatment in Ludhiana can improve the chances of a positive outcome. Learn the warning signs of brain hemorrhage, which you should know are listed below. 

Causes Of Brain Hemorrhage 


  • An injury on the head during a car accident, sports injury or a mild head injury can lead to severe damage to the brain. 
  • Chronic high blood pressure leads to damage of arteries that can lead to sudden brain Hemorrhage.  
  • Brain tumors, in some cases, lead to bleeding in the membranes of the brain. 
  • Arteriovenous malformation is termed an abnormal tangle of blood vessels that leads to sudden bleeding.  
  • Chronic alcohol and drug intake increases the risk of a brain hemorrhage.  
  • Family history sometimes increases the risk of occurring a brain hemorrhage due to weak arteries.   


Signs That You Should Be Careful Of: 


Sudden Headache

One of the most common and early warning signs of brain hemorrhage is a headache. It starts with a mild pain sensation, and then the pain suddenly reaches its peak in a few minutes. The headache that occurs due to brain hemorrhage is different from normal or regular headaches. It is an unbearable pain. Do not ignore it. Visit the nearest neurologist in Punjab or any city where you live.  


Watch Some Neurological Deficits 

Another major sign of brain hemorrhage includes several neurological deficits. Bleeding in membranes affects the normal functioning of the brain. The disruptions can vary due to the location and amount of bleeding occurring in the brain. Some common dysfunctions that indicate severe brain damage are mentioned below. 


  • One side of the body becomes numb or loses sensation; it may occur in the face, arm or leg. 
  • Brain hemorrhage causes difficulty in speaking or understanding. It leads to slurred speech, confusion in understanding others, or difficulty finding words. 
  • Another warning sign is that it leads to blurred vision and sometimes causes vision loss.  
  • One may face coordination or balance issues, which can trigger sudden seizures. It causes involuntary shaking and convulsions in the body. 

Changes In Mental State 

The sudden effect of brain hemorrhage includes confusion, disorientation and loss of consciousness. Sudden damage to the brain results in loss of consciousness, and in some cases, patients shift into coma. It also leads to increased intracranial pressure that causes nausea, vomiting and dizziness.  


In conclusion, if someone near you is also experiencing signs of brain hemorrhage, take them to a neurologist on a priority basis. An experienced neurologist can help you with immediate Brain hemorrhage treatment in Ludhiana. Early detection and prompt medical intervention can save the life of your loved one. The causes are mentioned above, so keep an eye on your health. Adopt healthy lifestyle habits and control your blood pressure. If you are dealing with high blood pressure, consult your healthcare provider and get your checkup done. In case of accidents, rush to trauma centres and get the brain examined appropriately. 

Brain Tumours: Types, Symptoms and Causes
Brain Tumours

Brain Tumours: Types, Symptoms and Causes

When a person faces neurological troubles, it is imperative to make certain that you are able to seek treatment. This is particularly true when one does not know what has…

  • February 15, 2025


Understanding Cervicogenic Headache- Symptoms, and Solutions

Understanding Cervicogenic Headache- Symptoms, and Solutions

One of the common problems that everyone usually experiences is headaches. You should be aware that those are normal headaches, and they also have different types. One of them is…

  • January 15, 2025


Shaky Hands: Treatments, Types And Causes

A lot of individuals who are above 60 years old can be seen to have shaky hands, which are also known as tremors. It is important to consult with a neurosurgeon in Ludhiana. Shaky hands are involuntary shaking hands that utilise difficulties in performing everyday tasks, which can also impact the overall quality of life for those who are affected by this problem.


Shaky hands can be classified depending on the specific characteristics of the tremor and its underlying cause, such as essential tremor, which is the most common type of tremor that is commonly affected by hands, but it can also involve the head, voice or other body parts. Resting tremor occurs when the affected body part is at rest and not engaged in purposeful movement. Action tremor occurs during voluntary movement, such as reaching for an object. Intention tremor is often associated with damage to the cerebellum.

Shaky Hands Causes, Types, and Treatment Options to Know

Task-specific tremors can occur during specific activities, such as threading a needle or playing a musical instrument. Psychogenic tremors may be triggered by emotional factors such as stress or psychological distress.Thus, it is important to identify various reasons for appropriate treatment for shaky hands as it can be compelled by various factors such as stress and anxiety. 


A common symptom that can manifest physically can lead to increased muscle tension and trembling. Parkinson’s disease is an advanced neurological disorder that can affect movement, and stiffness and bradykinesia are the main components of this disease. Medication side affects the central nervous system, which includes certain antidepressants, antipsychotics and drugs that are used to treat asthma. 


Excessive consumption of caffeine and stimulants can also lead to shaky hands. Individuals who are alcohol dependent may experience tremors when they reduce their alcohol intake suddenly. Hyperthyroidism thyroid hormones play a role in regulating metabolism, and an excess can result in increased physiological activity, which includes tremors. Various neurological conditions, for example, multiple sclerosis, can also lead to tremors.

Shaky Hands Causes, Types, and Treatment Options to Know

Low blood sugar and Huntington’s disease is a genetic disorder that leads to progressive cognitive and motor decline. Traumatic brain injury may also lead to tremors.The diagnosing process typically includes several steps as a neurologist in Punjab provides a detailed medical history, which includes information about the beginning of symptoms and their frequency. A physical inspection will also be performed to assess overall health and identify the neurological signs. A specific neurological examination will be performed to assess the nature of the tremor, which will involve testing different movements. 


Reviews of medications and substances, blood tests, imaging studies, electrophysiological testing, specialised neurological testing, and evaluation for psychogenic tremors are recommended to assess the factors that could be contributing to shaking hands. Thus, once the diagnosis is established, a neurosurgeon in Ludhiana can discuss appropriate treatment options and develop a management plan that is underlying the cause of the shaky hands. 


There are some general approaches and strategies used depending upon the impact of the tremors on daily life, such as medical treatment, including medications, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), botulinum toxin injections, etc. Physical therapy includes a capacity of motion exercises, strength training, coordination and control exercises, task-specific training, balance and posture training and biofeedback. You can enhance your lifestyle modifications by avoiding triggers, using relaxation techniques, exercising, using occupational therapy, etc.


Jhawar Hospital provides the best neurologist in Punjab who will improve the entire health of the patient and not just focus on alleviating signs. We have acceptable medical equipment and infrastructure to analyse different neurological problems and deliver the best treatments. Thus, if you or somebody you comprehend has been experiencing shaky hands, you can confer with us for a precise diagnosis and personalised therapy plan.


Brain Tumours: Types, Symptoms and Causes
Brain Tumours

Brain Tumours: Types, Symptoms and Causes

When a person faces neurological troubles, it is imperative to make certain that you are able to seek treatment. This is particularly true when one does not know what has…

  • February 15, 2025


Understanding Cervicogenic Headache- Symptoms, and Solutions

Understanding Cervicogenic Headache- Symptoms, and Solutions

One of the common problems that everyone usually experiences is headaches. You should be aware that those are normal headaches, and they also have different types. One of them is…

  • January 15, 2025


Uses of Medicinal Cannabis

Medicinal cannabis is essentially a pain-relieving component that can help to provide relief when a person is in extreme pain. It can be a useful component of anyone’s recovery process. However, it is important to note here that it should only be administered by trained professionals in limited quantities. Excessive indulgence in medical cannabis can lead to a formation of dependence and further can lead to an addiction. Medicinal cannabis, if used in the correct dosage and quantities, can be extremely helpful for anyone who is suffering. 

Most neurology hospital in Ludhiana use different types of medicinal cannabis used when treating a patient. Some of the popularly used medicinal cannabis are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Both THC and CBD offer different benefits and can be used to treat different ailments.


THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, deals with and comes from the primary psychoactive component found inside cannabis and is directly responsible for making a patient feel floaty and “high.” It directly impacts the CBI receptors in the brain, which impacts the level of pain one is experiencing, their mood as well as the patient’s appetite.


CBD, on the other hand, is a non-psychoactive chemical from medicinal cannabis; therefore, it does not create any peculiar feeling and sensation that is usually associated with the use of cannabis on the body. CBD interacts with a variety of receptors inside the body, as well as the CB2 receptors situated in our nervous system.


There are a number of benefits of using cannabis in the medical industry in order to help manage a patient. It can be used in the following different ways: 


Nausea Control

One of the extremely common uses of cannabis in the medical field is to ensure and control excessive nausea and vomiting, which can be a result of undergoing chemotherapy as well as other cancer treatments.


Pain Management 

For anyone who is suffering and struggling with chronic pain, cannabis can be used in order to manage the pain. This chronic pain can be caused by arthritis and neuropathic pain.


Epilepsy Seizures

CBD has been clinically proven to reduce the number and intensity of seizures. Cannabis can be and is often used to treat specific types of epilepsy in certain cases as well. A number of neurology hospitals in Ludhiana also employ the use of medicinal cannabis in order to combat epilepsy. 

Mental Health 

Although a bit unconventional, CBD is also used to help alleviate a variety of symptoms that can be caused by numerous mental health disorders, such as anxiety, PTSD as well as depression.


Stimulation of One’s Diet  

Medicinal cannabis can also be used to stimulate appetite in patients who are struggling to retain a diet. Patients who are undergoing and receiving treatment for cancer or AIDS/HIV can experience a loss of appetite. THC can be used in such cases in order to induce appetite in patients.


At Jhawar Hospital, there are a number of ways we deal with a variety of neurological problems. It can be a scary prospect to find yourself in the midst of neurological issues. However, with the help, diagnosis and treatment options provided by Dr Sukhdeep Singh Jhawar, you are assured of receiving the best treatment possible.

Brain Tumours: Types, Symptoms and Causes
Brain Tumours

Brain Tumours: Types, Symptoms and Causes

When a person faces neurological troubles, it is imperative to make certain that you are able to seek treatment. This is particularly true when one does not know what has…

  • February 15, 2025


Understanding Cervicogenic Headache- Symptoms, and Solutions

Understanding Cervicogenic Headache- Symptoms, and Solutions

One of the common problems that everyone usually experiences is headaches. You should be aware that those are normal headaches, and they also have different types. One of them is…

  • January 15, 2025


Neurological Complications Of Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic condition that influences millions of individuals worldwide. Because it is well known for its impact on blood sugar levels and prevalent metabolic health. However, beyond the commonly recognised complications such as cardiovascular disease and kidney damage, diabetes can also have profound effects on the nervous system. These neurological complications can also impact the patient’s quality of life. Diabetes is indicated by elevated levels of glucose in the blood, which results in insufficient insulin production or the body’s inability to effectively use the insulin produced.

There are three main types of diabetes: an autoimmune condition where the body’s immune system attacks and eliminates insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. Type two typically develops in adults as it is characterised by insulin resistance, where the body cells do not respond properly to insulin. The third type of diabetes occurs during pregnancy and usually resolves after childbirth, therefore gestational diabetes requires careful monitoring management to protect both the mother and the baby.


Comprehending diabetes is critical because it emphasises the significance of managing the condition to control these severe applications. This will only be possible with proper awareness, routine monitoring, and proper therapy so that individuals can lead healthy lives while minimising the chance of long-term health problems.


Diabetes is not only a metabolic disorder but also a condition that can significantly affect the nervous system, which leads to a range of neurologist complications that is also known as diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy is a standard and serious complication of diabetes, which increases with the duration of poor blood sugar control. The prevalence of diabetic neuropathy is alarmingly high, which affects approximately 50% of diabetic patients. 


This condition may evaluate various conditions with their unique symptoms and challenges.  The most common types include peripheral neuropathy, autonomic neuropathy, proximal neuropathy, and focal neuropathy, which target different nerves and areas of the body and generate a broad range of symptoms, from mild discomfort to severe pain and disability.


Early detection and intervention are important for managing diabetic neuropathy effectively and finding the best neurological hospital that provides the treatment with the help of regular screenings and monitoring the nerve function so that it can be helpful to identify the neuropathy in its early stages. Patients with diabetes should be vigilant about their symptoms and seek medical guidance if they experience unusual sensations, pain, or weakness.


Addressing diabetic neuropathy requires a comprehensive approach that includes optimal blood sugar levels, regular monitoring, and adopting a healthy lifestyle. Thus, the best neurological hospital may involve medications, physical therapy, and alternative treatments to control pain and other symptoms. Patients’ education and support also play a crucial role in managing the condition effectively.

Jhawar Hospital ensures that the patient gets easy procedures, a friendly atmosphere and comfort whenever they want to have a consultation with us. We have adequate medical equipment and infrastructure to analyse various neurologist issues and provide a result-oriented treatment. We provide the best treatment that does not just focus on relieving symptoms but also improving the whole health of the patient. We give you excellent patient care for patients’ neuro problems. Our neurosurgeon ensures you understand your condition in-depth and address all the neuro issues. We seek to provide our health care assistance to every person, so we ensure cost-effective treatment.


Brain Tumours: Types, Symptoms and Causes
Brain Tumours

Brain Tumours: Types, Symptoms and Causes

When a person faces neurological troubles, it is imperative to make certain that you are able to seek treatment. This is particularly true when one does not know what has…

  • February 15, 2025


Understanding Cervicogenic Headache- Symptoms, and Solutions

Understanding Cervicogenic Headache- Symptoms, and Solutions

One of the common problems that everyone usually experiences is headaches. You should be aware that those are normal headaches, and they also have different types. One of them is…

  • January 15, 2025


The Neurological Point of View of Learning About Smell and Taste Disorders and Recuperation

All five sense organs have their functions in the human body. Just like a nose operates various functions, most importantly, to smell. Similarly, other senses like smell and taste perform a critical role daily. It allows us to enjoy our favourite food items and helps us understand our surroundings and cope up with our emotions. However, these senses have a powerful connection with our neurological system. 


As we go further with this blog, we will discover a better sense of knowing the medical aspects of  smell and taste organs hold, following the familiar disorders affecting these senses and how one can overcome these issues by taking necessary treatments and that too from the best neurologist in India

Two different and crucial systems of smell and taste 

  • The Olfactory System is the master receptor accountable to our sense of smell. These are liable to discover the odour particles and send an alert signal to the olfactory bulb, a part of the brain. There are other parts of the brain that allow a human to remember the smell and relate it with emotions and memories, such as the olfactory cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala. 


  • The Gustatory System provides us with numerous taste experiences through taste buds, primarily the gustatory cells. When we eat or drink something sweet or salty, these receptors transmit a message to the necessary brain nerves and brainstem, which involves the facial, vagus, and glossopharyngeal nerves. Further, the brain sheds light on the food temperature, taste, and texture to the gustatory cortex, allowing the human to decide whether the food or the drink is scrumptious or not. 


Familiar smell and taste disorders prevailing all over the world


Unfortunately, some human beings are born with these disorders. However, some of them get attacked by these disorders at a different phase of their lives. Some of the disorders and their causes are mentioned below:

  • Hypogeusia: This is the stage where the person’s ability to smell lessens with every passing day. If a person has gone through chemotherapy, has unhealthy eating habits or diets or is ageing, then there are possible chances of having hypogeusia. The destruction of taste buds or gustatory pathways leads to this particular suffering.


  • Anosmia: A person loses partial or full sense of smell at this stage. This disorder ‘is common aspects include tumours, sinus infections, viral infections like COVID-19, and nasal disturbances from polyps. 


  • Parosmia: This stage leads to an abnormality of the sense of smell. The obstruction of the olfactory system due to an infection or severe head injury leads to Parosmia.


  • Dysgeusia: A person suffers from a continuous bad taste in the mouth. The root cause of this suffering would be bad oral health because of gum disease, diabetes, intake of antibiotics or chemotherapies, etc. This issue is generated by stroke, irradiation of the head and neck, facial nerve palsy and so on. 


Therefore, figuring out the root cause of the disorders mentioned above is really important for patients who notice even minor changes in their sense of smell and taste. Initially, the physicians are supposed to read the patient’s clinical history and symptoms. It helps them to discover whether the patient is suffering from head traumas or viral infections. A better understanding of a patient’s way of living, surroundings, or medical information also contributes to diagnosing the cause. 


Moving further, a complete body check, including an ear, nose, and throat assessment, is pivotal for identifying abnormalities in the sense of smell and taste. Also, the patients need to perform numerous smell and taste tests to check their level of obstruction in smell and taste neurons. These problems can also be detected through MRI and CT scans. It helps diagnose issues such as polyps, head traumas, or abnormalities. 


Required medications and therapies


  • Correct medical interventions and therapies are important in recovering from these sufferings. Nasal sprays can help ameliorate the smelling sense that is discovered due to sinusitis, any infections or allergies. 
  • Therapists arrange various smelling and tasting tests for the patient, for example, smelling lemons, roses, scents, or including aromatic herbs, strong cheese into the food, etc, to send electrical signals to the brain to identify the different smells. 
  • Adapting a healthy lifestyle by adding more nutrition to their diets, avoiding smoking and drinking, and therefore, including strong spices and following better oral health also helps filter the smell and taste senses. 

Regaining from the loss of smell and taste disorders


Certain research describes that, luckily, there are around 60% to 80% chances of regaining the smell or taste sense within a year. However, to be emotionally strong, the patient needs to sit for counselling,  therapy, or group discussions with patients who are going through the same issues. However, it totally depends upon the person’s age and lifestyle whether he or she can have an early recovery or others may accept the truth of complete loss of taste and smell senses. 




Life is completely bland without the proper functioning of the five primary human senses. Minor Destruction in these senses can affect a person physically and emotionally. But, with Neuromaster there is nothing to worry about. We have the best neurologists in India to treat your neurological issues.  We provide the best treatments/neurosurgeries for paediatric disorders, pain disorders, movement disorders, epilepsy disorders and many more. Our on-call services are exceptional, making us different from others. Hence, you can also book an appointment by filling in the required information on our website.

Brain Tumours: Types, Symptoms and Causes
Brain Tumours

Brain Tumours: Types, Symptoms and Causes

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Understanding Cervicogenic Headache- Symptoms, and Solutions

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The Impact of Neurological Disorders on Everyday Life

In today’s time, everyone is struggling with some source of stress in their lives, and this increases the rise in neurological disorders. Many people are not aware that they are becoming the victim of this disorder unknowingly. Neurological disorders affect daily activities and social relationships and reduce quality of life. Myths and misconceptions about these disorders keep going. Not everyone has proper knowledge about this disorder’s symptoms or misinformation that can lead to some significant serious problems. According to many neurologists in Ludhiana, people may not be aware of the early signs of this condition, which can cause considerable illness.

Neurological disorders affect a lot of people in various ways:


  1. Cognitive impairment: many people suffer from disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, which can lead to memory loss, difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbances or a condition that affects the blood flow of the brain. It affects the person’s ability to think, learn and concentrate. 
  2. Psychological and emotional effects: Due to lifestyle changes, anxiety, mood swings, and depression are widespread among individuals. Conditions like epilepsy are chronic disorders. It affects the part of the brain that causes recurrent seizures, which affect the behaviour due to abnormal activity in the brain. Various factors that trigger epilepsy are lack of sleep, stress, illness or fever or flashing lights or patterns. This disorder can lead to social withdrawal, making it essential for family members or companions to offer emotional support.
  3. Physical limitation: Patients with neurological disorders experience physical symptoms like muscle weakness, fatigue, tremors, vision problems, and cognitive changes. Individuals with multiple sclerosis may face difficulties and challenges in performing routine tasks like walking, dressing or cooking.
  4. Impact on relationships: Neurological disorders have a significant effect on relationships. Proper information about the symptoms may lead to understanding and satisfaction, which can lead to conflicts. Open communication and education about these conditions are important for smooth, healthy relationships and support.
  5. Work and Financial stress: Neurological disorders also impact professional life. Many individuals face challenges to find employment due to cognitive and physical limitations. It leads to extreme financial stress.
  6. Myths and Misconceptions: There are a lot of misunderstandings and myths about the neurological condition that can lead to social exclusion.Miscommunication and false information can lead to discrimination and affect a lot of individuals who suffer from this condition.


Ways to reduce  the impact of neurological conditions:


  • Seek professional help: Make an appointment with healthcare professionals such as psychologists and neurologists. They can provide you with experienced guidance, therapy, medication and how to maintain brain health.
  • Participate in cognitive training activities: Participate in activities like puzzles, memory games, learning new skills, etc. It keeps your brain fresh and healthy. This can reduce the risk of common neurological disorders.
  • Make a good routine: Create an excellent structured routine to help you stay mentally stable and active, leading to reduced confusion and help manage time effectively.
  • Stay physically fit: Physical activity is essential for the body and a fantastic way to keep your brain healthy, reducing symptoms like anxiety and depression.
  • Maintain a healthy diet: A powerful, balanced diet protects your brain cells from stress. Antioxidants, Omega-3, vitamins and minerals can support your brain health.
  • Get prioritise your Sleep: Sleep is a significant factor in keeping your brain healthy. Sleep is the only way to maintain a good blood flow to the brain. Essentially, eight hours of sleep is necessary to reduce neurological disorders.
  • Avoid Alcohol and Smoking: Both drinking alcohol and smoking are harmful to health, and alcohol can lead to memory loss. Smoking, on the other side, may affect the health and increases the risk of chronic disorders  and increases the risk of significant brain illness.
  • Educate yourself and others: Learning about neurological conditions helps to understand the early signs of disorders and timely action taken to improve the illness.

Seeking the best neurologists in Ludhiana, Neuromaster is here with the best neurosurgeons who provide specialised surgical care to treat neurological conditions.


Brain Tumours: Types, Symptoms and Causes
Brain Tumours

Brain Tumours: Types, Symptoms and Causes

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Understanding Cervicogenic Headache- Symptoms, and Solutions

Understanding Cervicogenic Headache- Symptoms, and Solutions

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