All About Neurointerventional Surgery And The Role Of Neurointerventional Surgeon

Neurointerventional Surgical Procedure

Neurointerventional surgery starts with making a tiny opening in the skin. Then, the surgeon tries to reach the brain, spine, or neck as per requirement through that hole. As this neurosurgery is complex, neuro-interventional surgeons use high-end imaging technologies to carry out this task with the utmost precision. One can find many Neurologist in Ludhiana well-versed with this modern medical equipment.

A Neurointerventional Surgeon’s Qualification

The reason why these neurosurgeons can perform such complex procedures is that they go through years of rigorous training. Anyone desiring to become Neurosurgeons Ludhiana specialising in neuro-interventional surgery would have to attend a residency program. This course includes four years of radiology and 4 or 6 to 7 years of neurosurgery. Because this education is so advanced, only a few can shine in this field.

Health Problems That A Neurointerventional Surgeon Can Cure

Neurointerventional surgeons are proficient in diagnosing conditions that have the potential to severely affect the brain or spinal cord’s health. They use minimally invasive therapies guided by advanced imaging machines to treat the following brain or spinal illnesses.

  • Stroke

When blood stops reaching the brain, stroke, a serious medical condition, occurs that further causes cell death. The interference in the blood supply to the brain usually happens primarily in two ways: Hemorrhagic And Ischemic. Ischemic refers to a lack of blood, and hemorrhagic refers to bleeding. Symptoms Of this brain disorder Include

    1. Trouble Walking
    2. Problem in speaking
    3. Paralysis in certain body parts

Brain Aneurysms

A brain aneurysm happens when a certain part of the brain’s blood vessels gets damaged. That affected portion of the blood vessel remains filled with blood, interfering with the blood flow. Usually, such a condition occurs in the base of the skull and underside of the brain. That blood-filled vessel sometimes starts to bleed, causing common symptoms such as

    1. Severe Headache
    2. Vomiting
    3. Bleeding
    4. Stiff Neck

Vascular Brain Tumours

Well, vascular brain tumours are benign, meaning this condition is non-cancerous but still life-threatening. When blood vessels start to grow abnormally, the person’s brain suffers from this disease. And this disorder is most likely to occur in the cerebellum, located at the back of the head, and is responsible for balance control. A person affected by this tumour may have to bear

    1. Changes In Vision
    2. Nausea
    3. Movement Issues
    4. Headache

Disc Herniation

Disc herniation can develop if the soft portion of the spinal disc, situated at the centre, gets pushed to the exterior casing. This condition causes a disturbance between the spinal bones. Also, the following symptoms will only occur if herniated disc interferes with any nearby nerve.

    1. Muscle Spasms
    2. Leg Numbness
    3. Burning
    4. Pain In Arms

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal Stenosis happens to people having a too-small space inside the backbone. Usually, this condition occurs in the neck. In this condition, the nerves and spine may experience pressure, causing the below-listed symptoms.

    1. Pain In Back
    2. Muscle Weakness
    3. Reduced Sensation Of Touch
    4. Leg Numbness

Find Help Here

As only some professionals can excel in this field of neurosurgery, one must visit Jhawar Hospital if they have any of the above-mentioned health diseases.

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Advanced and modern neuro-intervention is a savior for stroke patients

Stroke: Requires early and prompt care

Stroke is one of the everyday emergencies because it leads to disability; around 50% of the individuals have difficulty getting functional independence, and 10% to 15% of stroke occurs among individuals under 40 years old. In all this, it’s crucial to visit one of the leading Neuro Hospital in Ludhiana to take early medical care and improve overall well-being.

Neuro-Intervention is improving and getting better at a fast pace

The field of radiology has improved a lot over time. Most importantly, it’s something that’s getting a lot better with time. The experienced Vascular Neurologist in Punjab is the one who is well aware of the minimally invasive procedures and ensure the patients are informed to make the right decisions.

Ways to identify a stroke

One thing is evident stroke patients require prompt care. And if that does not happen, the overall well-being can get affected. So, it all comes to identifying the signs of stroke by consulting an experienced neuro specialist In Ludhiana. Therefore, it all comes down to understanding the FAST symptoms that, includes:

  • Drooping face
  • Arm weakness
  • Speech difficulty
  • Weakness or numbness in the legs
  • Problem walking
  • Loss of coordination or balance
  • Severe headache or thunderclap

All these symptoms happen suddenly. Therefore, it’s important to be cautious and take necessary measures on time. As strokes are of different types, depending on your one, the doctor will give you the best possible care.

What kind of treatment does the stroke patient get?

The approach of minimally invasive surgery has come to light with neurointervention. The catheter is inserted into the groin area during the procedure, and X-ray guidance will be there throughout the surgery. The mechanical approach makes it all convenient and accountable to perform everything with ease.

Technological evolution is the biggest factor in changing an entire scene and getting something effective in the present environment. Therefore, with neuro intervention, there’s utmost ease in everything.

Busting myths about stroke

No doubt, medical intervention is the biggest factor in improving the situation. For stroke patients, the most important part is to stay informed. That means you should not fall for the myths that revolve around stroke. To enlighten you about the same, I have mentioned the most common myths that do not make sense and point toward getting prompt medical care.

Myth: No availability for stroke treatment

Fact: Medical science has evolved a lot with time. Be prompt to notice the stroke symptoms and get an effective treatment plan.

Myth: Strokes are not common

Fact:  Stroke prevalence globally is around 15 million. Additionally, individuals of all age groups get a stroke.

Myth: Stroke cannot be hereditary

Fact: If there’s a family history of stroke, then there’s an increased possibility for someone in the family to get the same.

Myth: Stroke symptoms have gone; there’s no need to consult the doctor

Fact: Temporary stroke symptoms are Transient ischemic attack (TIC). These signs occur before the stroke and need prompt medical care.

Final word

Stroke is common, but that does not mean you have to neglect it.

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