Tumor Types, Characteristics, and Treatment Options: A Comprehensive Overview

Any region of the body might develop a tumor, which is an abnormal development of cells. These growths’ location, size, and shape can vary greatly, and they can be benign or cancerous. Genetic mutations or anomalies disrupt the normal regulation of cell growth and division, which leads to tumor formation.


What is the definition of a tumor? 

A tumor is an abnormal cell mass or cluster that develops within the body. A tumor is not always indicative of malignancy. A lot of tumors are benign. The body can develop tumors whenever. Bone, skin tissues, glands and organs may be impacted. Tumors are another term for neoplasm. The best neurologist in Punjab will guide you about the treatment. 


Different types of tumor

Tumors can be categorized according to their behavior, origin, and features. The following are a few typical tumor types:


Benign tumors

  • Benign tumors called adenomas originate from epithelial tissues, including the pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands.
  • Benign tumors called fibroids can form in the uterus or other organs’ muscular layer.
  • Lipomas: Fatty tissue-based benign tumors that usually appear just beneath the skin.
  • Hemangiomas are benign tumors that resemble birthmarks and are typically created by an aberrant aggregation of blood vessels.
  • Osteomas are benign tumors of the bone that grow in the bones, mainly the face or skull.


Cancerous Tumors:

  • Carcinomas are malignant tumors derived from the epithelial cells that encircle the body’s organs and tissues. 
  • Sarcomas are cancerous tumors derived from connective tissues, including cartilage, bone, muscle, and fat. Osteosarcoma and leiomyosarcoma are two examples.
  • Malignant tumors called lymphomas grow in the lymphatic system, affecting the spleen, bone marrow, and lymph nodes. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma and Hodgkin lymphoma are two examples.
  • Leukaemias are malignant tumors that cause an excess of aberrant white blood cells by attacking blood-forming organs like the lymphatic system and bone marrow.


Tumors of the Central Nervous System:

  • Gliomas: Astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, and glioblastomas are tumors that originate from glial cells in the brain or spinal cord.
  • Meningiomas are tumors originating from the meninges, the membranes that wrap the brain and spinal cord and provide protection.
  • Medulloblastomas: Children are the primary victims of these highly malignant tumors that start in the cerebellum.


Tumors Neuroendocrine:

  • Neuroendocrine tumors: these tumors release hormones into the bloodstream. Pheochromocytomas, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, and carcinoid tumors are a few examples.


Contrary Tumors:

  • Tumors are composed of many cell types or tissues together. Teratomas are one example type; they can comprise tissues from the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm germ layers.


Treatment of tumor 

Tumor treatment is based on several criteria, such as the patient’s general health and the tumor’s kind, location, size, and stage. The following are some typical tumor therapy options:



  • Surgery entails removing the tumor and any surrounding tissue to stop the tumor from spreading and relieve symptoms.
  • For localized tumors that are safely removed and accessible, it is frequently the main course of treatment.
  • Minimally invasive methods, such as robotic or laparoscopic surgery, can sometimes be utilized to shorten recovery times and avoid complications. The best neurosurgeon in Ludhiana performed the surgery. 



  • Drugs are used in chemotherapy to either kill or stop cancer cells from proliferating and dividing.
  • It is frequently used to treat tumors resistant to surgical excision or metastasizing to other body areas.


Radiation Treatment:

  • High-energy photons or particles are used in radiation therapy to kill cancer cells and reduce tumor size.
  • When a tumor is localized and cannot be physically removed, it is frequently employed as the primary treatment, alone or in conjunction with chemotherapy and surgery.
  • While brachytherapy involves inserting radioactive sources into or close to the tumor, external beam radiation therapy uses radiation from outside the body to treat the tumor.


Contact Jhawar hospital for the treatment of the tumor.

Spotting Brain Tumor Symptoms Early: Prominent Things You Must Know
Brain Tumours

Spotting Brain Tumor Symptoms Early: Prominent Things You Must Know

Brain tumors are the unusual growths of cells inside the brain or nearby tissues. They can considerably influence anyone, irrespective of their age. It might showcase an extensive range of…

  • November 22, 2024


Warning Signs Of Brain Hemorrhage That Caregivers Should Know

Warning Signs Of Brain Hemorrhage That Caregivers Should Know

One of the most critical brain conditions that can lead to loss of life is brain hemorrhage. It is a situation that is termed for the bleeding within the brain…

  • November 21, 2024


जानिए ब्रेन ट्यूमर के लक्षणों को नज़रअंदाज़ करना कैसे पड़ सकता है भारी !

कैंसर जिसका नाम सुनते ही लोगों के पैरों तले जमीन खिसक जाती है, और साथ ही ये काफी खतरनाक बीमारी में से एक मानी जाती है। वही अगर व्यक्ति को ब्रेन ट्यूमर हो जाए तो वो कैसे खुद का बचाव कर सकता है साथ ही कैंसर के लक्षणों को जानकर हम कैसे इसको पहचाने इसके बारे में आज के लेख में बात करेंगे, तो आप या आपके करीबियों में से कोई इस तरह की समस्या का सामना कर रहा है तो कैसे वो खुद को इस तरह की समस्या से बाहर निकाल सकता है इसके बारे में आज के आर्टिकल में बात करेंगे ;

क्या है दिमाग का कैंसर ?

ब्रेन ट्यूमर में दिमाग की कोशिकाएं जरूरत से ज्यादा तेजी से बढ़ने और फैलने लगती है, जिससे आस-पास मौजूद टीश्यूज और ऑर्गन डैमेज हो जाते है। और यही ख़राब हुए ऑर्गन आपमें कैंसर जैसे खतरनाक बीमारी को उत्पन्न करते है।

दिमाग के कैंसर का पता कैसे लगाए ?

  • दिमाग के कैंसर का पता लगाने के लिए आप न्यूरोलॉजिकल जांच, सीटी स्कैन, एमआरआई स्कैन, और पॉज़िट्रॉन एमिशन टोमोग्राफी (PET) स्कैन करवा सकते है। 
  • वही इन सभी जांचों में कैंसर कोशिकाओं की जांच के लिए मस्तिष्क और रीढ़ की हड्डी के चारों ओर तरल पदार्थ का एक छोटा सा नमूना एकत्र किया जाता है।

दिमाग के कैंसर का पता लगाने के बाद आप बेस्ट न्यूरोलॉजिस्ट लुधियाना का चयन भी कर सकते है।

ब्रेन ट्यूमर के कितने प्रकार है ?

सामान्यतः मस्तिष्क के कैंसर को दो भागों में बाटा जाता है;

  • पहला जिसे प्राइमरी कैंसर कहा जाता है और ये कैंसर दिमाग के जिस हिस्से में शुरू होता है, बस वहीं बढ़ता रहता है। 
  • जबकि सेकेंडरी कैंसर की बात करें तो इस कैंसर की शुरुआत शरीर के किसी एक हिस्से में होती है, जिसके बाद ये शरीर के दूसरे हिस्से जैसे- दिमाग, फेफड़े, ब्रेस्ट, किडनी, कोलोन और स्किन में फैल जाते है।

ब्रेन ट्यूमर के लक्षण क्या है ?

ब्रेन ट्यूमर के कुछ लक्षण हम निम्न प्रस्तुत कर रहें है ;

  • अगर आपको बिना किसी बीमारी के लगातार सिर में तेज दर्द रहता है तो ये ब्रेन ट्यूमर का लक्षण हो सकता है। 
  • चक्कर या उल्टी महसूस करना, हालांकि, ये लक्षण कई समय बाद देखने को मिलते है. लेकिन कई बार ब्रेन ट्यूमर के शुरुआत में ही ये लक्षण सामने आ जाते है, ऐसा कैंसर की कोशिकाओं का दिमाग में मौजूद फ्लूड के साथ मिक्स होने पर भी होता है। 
  • जब शरीर में कुछ बदलाव दिखने लगे जैसे याददाश्त का कमजोर होना, व्यक्तित्व में बदलाव दिखाई देने लगें तो ये भी ब्रेन ट्यूमर के लक्षण हो सकते है। 
  • इसके अलावा आप कैंसर के लक्षणों में धुंधली दृष्टि, का दोहरा दिखना जैसा कुछ मेहसूस कर सकते है।
  • एक हाथ या एक पैर का काम नहीं करना। 
  • शरीर और दिमाग का बैलेंस बना पाने में मुश्किल का सामना करना। 
  • बोलने में परेशानी का आना। 
  • उलझन महसूस करना आदि।

ब्रेन ट्यूमर से बचाव के लिए बेस्ट हॉस्पिटल !

अगर आप या आपके परिजन में से कोई भी इस घातक बीमारी का सामना कर रहें है या इस बीमारी के लक्षण उनमे नज़र आ रहें हो तो इससे बचाव के लिए आपको झावर हॉस्पिटल का चयन करना चाहिए, वही आपको बता दे की इस हॉस्पिटल में अनुभवी डॉक्टरों के द्वारा आधुनिक उपकरणों की मदद से मरीजों का इलाज किया जाता है। 

निष्कर्ष :

मस्तिष्क का कैंसर बहुत ही खतरनाक माना जाता है, क्युकि दिमाग ही एक ऐसा पार्ट होता है जिसके माध्यम से हमारा पूरा शरीर टिका हुआ हुआ है, इसलिए अगर आपको उपरोक्त में से सामान्य लक्षण भी आप में नज़र आए, तो जल्द ही डॉक्टर का चयन करें, वर्ना दिमागी कैंसर से आपकी जान भी जा सकती है।

Spotting Brain Tumor Symptoms Early: Prominent Things You Must Know
Brain Tumours

Spotting Brain Tumor Symptoms Early: Prominent Things You Must Know

Brain tumors are the unusual growths of cells inside the brain or nearby tissues. They can considerably influence anyone, irrespective of their age. It might showcase an extensive range of…

  • November 22, 2024


Warning Signs Of Brain Hemorrhage That Caregivers Should Know

Warning Signs Of Brain Hemorrhage That Caregivers Should Know

One of the most critical brain conditions that can lead to loss of life is brain hemorrhage. It is a situation that is termed for the bleeding within the brain…

  • November 21, 2024


What Is Brain Aneurysm And How Does A Neurosurgeon Treat It?

Having a brain aneurysm can be one of the scariest things one could have. However, knowing what to do and how to get proper treatment will make it easier for people and less frightening and debilitating for the person who actually experiences it.

It is still a severe condition that we agree on, but with the help of the best Neuro Spine Doctor in Punjab, you will be able to overcome the issue of an aneurysm without any complications. Apart from that, it also limits the side effects and increases the chances of a successful recovery.

Before anything, you should try to understand the signs and symptoms of the aneurysm, and after that, you should get the doctor’s help without any delay. This will help them diagnose the issue and give you the proper treatment that you require in the Best Brain Hospital in Punjab.

What Is A Brain Aneurysm?

A brain aneurysm is a weakness in one of the brain’s blood vessels that results in the blood vessel swelling or ballooning and filling with blood. This often looks like a bulb on a plant or like a berry. It can also have many outcomes that can lead to intense complications.

One of the significant problems with an aneurysm is that it stays there and is benign until and unless it ruptures and leaks.

It is possible to fully recover even after an aneurysm burst. However, you would require expert care and fast treatment to accomplish that. In case the doctor can catch the aneurysm before it bursts, the doctor will be able to treat it without many side effects.

An aneurysm is very dangerous as it can leak or rupture, leading to massive bleeding. It not only happens in the skull but also around the brain. After this happens, if the doctor does not treat it properly, this could lead to severe and intense complications such as brain damage.

Treatment Procedure Of Brain Aneurysm In Neurology Hospital

Neurosurgeons have a few ways to treat your aneurysm based on whether it is ruptured or not. In case they catch the aneurysm early and unruptured, then it is easy for the doctors to prevent any major damage.

We have two main ways to treat your unruptured aneurysm.

  • One is a microsurgical clipping procedure. In this technique, the neurosurgeon attaches a titanium clip to the blood vessels that have the aneurysm. It helps to stop the blood flow to the vessel until the doctor can deflate it.
  • The second option is endovascular coiling. In this technique, the doctor places a stent or coil in the vessel in order to divert the blood away from it. This process will allow the ballooning to go down so the doctor can repair the vessel.

In case of rupturing vessels, the neurosurgeons have fewer options. And also, they would have to conduct the treatment immediately. In most cases, after having a rupture, the neurosurgeon should repair the vessels and drain the blood from the skull and brain. This method will hopefully limit the damage and provide proper recovery with minimal impairment to cognition and motor function.

Spotting Brain Tumor Symptoms Early: Prominent Things You Must Know
Brain Tumours

Spotting Brain Tumor Symptoms Early: Prominent Things You Must Know

Brain tumors are the unusual growths of cells inside the brain or nearby tissues. They can considerably influence anyone, irrespective of their age. It might showcase an extensive range of…

  • November 22, 2024


Warning Signs Of Brain Hemorrhage That Caregivers Should Know

Warning Signs Of Brain Hemorrhage That Caregivers Should Know

One of the most critical brain conditions that can lead to loss of life is brain hemorrhage. It is a situation that is termed for the bleeding within the brain…

  • November 21, 2024


Everything you need to know about the pediatric brain tumor

Pediatric Brain Tumor: Requires proper medical care

The central nervous system of children can get itself into the effect of the tumor, and there’s even a possibility of having 15% to 20% malignancies in children. Pediatric brain tumors are the growth or mass of abnormal cells in the spinal cord or brain and might hamper the structure and tissue present near the same. The tumor is of various types like:

  • Benign

  • Malignant

No doubt, it’s tough for any parent to know that their child has a brain tumor. Here, the important part is to get the treatment without delay and understand if there’s a need for Pediatric Brain Tumors Surgery in Punjab. The pediatric neurosurgeon will check the overall condition and tell if the condition demands greater attention & in what manner.

Pediatric brain tumor leads to uncontrollable growth

Pediatric brain tumor happens when normal cells have the issue of DNA mutations. The cells begin to grow and divide themselves at a fast pace, affecting the healthy cells. The growth of cancer cells occurs extremely fast, and there’s a possibility the tumor can form, affecting the nearby brain structures adversely. Sometimes, the tumor can reach the advanced stage, for which you need to consult the Neuro Spine Doctor in Ludhiana.

Symptoms of pediatric brain tumor

Paediatric brain tumors show several problematic symptoms that indicate a need for medical assistance. Some of them are:

  • Child has headache

  • Weakness

  • Decrease in vision

  • Slurred speech

  • Always in a state of depression or confusion

The important part is to consult a pediatrician specializing in the given field. And they know in and out about the process to give you the treatment based on improving your overall neuro health.

Please note!

The urgent medical attention is pointed out by the symptoms like seizures and loss of balance.

Early detection and treatment will ease your tension

When you contact the neurosurgeon on time, he diagnoses the severity of the entire condition and informs you what to do. The expertise of neurosurgeons helps to reduce complications or health issues. If your child shows any unwanted symptoms, it’s important to get them addressed on time. The neurological examination under the expertise of neuro surgeon includes:

  • Imaging scans like CT Scan

  • MRI Scan

  • Ophthalmological examination

  • Vision check

  • Different blood tests

  • Audiometry to analyse the hearing status

In some cases, the tumor might spread to other body parts, so it’s important to get through examinations to analyse everything properly.

Latest pediatric brain tumor treatment

If your child got diagnosed with a pediatric brain tumor, then you need the expertise of someone who knows the latest and most reliable treatment plan. You should schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Jhawar, one of the well-known neurosurgeons offering the patients the most compassionate and advanced care. Make sure to discuss any doubt or concern on your mind to know the right step you need to take.

Spotting Brain Tumor Symptoms Early: Prominent Things You Must Know
Brain Tumours

Spotting Brain Tumor Symptoms Early: Prominent Things You Must Know

Brain tumors are the unusual growths of cells inside the brain or nearby tissues. They can considerably influence anyone, irrespective of their age. It might showcase an extensive range of…

  • November 22, 2024


Warning Signs Of Brain Hemorrhage That Caregivers Should Know

Warning Signs Of Brain Hemorrhage That Caregivers Should Know

One of the most critical brain conditions that can lead to loss of life is brain hemorrhage. It is a situation that is termed for the bleeding within the brain…

  • November 21, 2024


Brain surgery gets better and improved with new technology

Brain tumor surgery is safer and improved with a new technique

The current stats have shown that the cases of malignant tumors, spinal cord, and brain tumors are on the rise. That’s why there’s continuous development and advancements to detect brain tumors, whether benign or malignant. You must visit one of the Best Neurologist in Ludhiana to seek the benefits of a modern and safe treatment approach. The neurosurgeon’s expertise from the initial point is the right manner to make everything work.

Brain mapping seeks better results with neuroimaging technique

Patients diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor or benign brain tumor can have a lot of difficulties. That’s why it’s essential to get an advanced approach for Brain Tumors Surgery in Punjab that works by considering the entire state.

The experienced neurosurgeon will check all the intricate details of the tissues and nervous system to ensure nothing gets compromised. The comprehensive, detailed brain imaging allows the brain to function easily and gives proper guidance on all possible levels. The methodology has improved a lot with time, and new functionalities and methods are improving everything.

  • Fiber-guided tractography

The fiber-guided tractography works based on a 3d model to see the brain nerve tracts and the motor area to remove the tumor. At the Neuro Hospital in Ludhiana, advanced methodology and treatment availability is the way to seek detailed results about everything. Moreover, it makes navigating through the entire area easier, making the process streamlined and offering precision.

  • Tumorglow

Tumor glow includes checking the partial or full resection of the cancerous cells. The treatment uses a fluorescent dye that goes to the patient brain and makes it easier to identify the exact problem. Through the latest techniques, there’s ease to take out all the necessary tumors. Therefore, it’s about seeing the necessary desired change in the brain and making the further process work.

  • CAR-T cell therapy

CAR-T cell therapy is a great choice for brain tumor treatment offering greater safety. The treatment is undoubtedly still in clinical trials, but it has been noticed that it works effectively against aggressive cancer types. So, it’s right to say that the necessary results are much more promising and effective in suppressing the cancer cells that might respond negatively. Bringing new approaches and techniques is the right way to bring the utmost difference in everything. And the latest and new approaches are much better & offer higher reliability at every step.

Final word

The latest and new techniques for brain tumor surgery are the reason for bringing utmost difference in everything. If you or someone in your known is diagnosed with a brain tumor and struggling to seek effective care, schedule an initial consultation with Dr Sukhdeep Singh Jhawar.

Spotting Brain Tumor Symptoms Early: Prominent Things You Must Know
Brain Tumours

Spotting Brain Tumor Symptoms Early: Prominent Things You Must Know

Brain tumors are the unusual growths of cells inside the brain or nearby tissues. They can considerably influence anyone, irrespective of their age. It might showcase an extensive range of…

  • November 22, 2024


Warning Signs Of Brain Hemorrhage That Caregivers Should Know

Warning Signs Of Brain Hemorrhage That Caregivers Should Know

One of the most critical brain conditions that can lead to loss of life is brain hemorrhage. It is a situation that is termed for the bleeding within the brain…

  • November 21, 2024


What Are The Symptoms And Risk Factors Of Pediatric Brain Tumors?

A pediatric brain tumor is basically a growth or mass of abnormal cells that happens in the brain or the tissues and the structure which is near to it in the child. Many different types of pediatric brain tumors exist. Some of them are non-cancerous, also known as benign, whereas others are cancerous, also known as malignant.

Depending on what kind of tumor you have will dictate the Pediatric Brain Tumors Treatment in Ludhiana and its chances of recovery (prognosis). Apart from the type of tumor, the location of the tumor within the brain, whether or not it is spreadable, the age of the child, and essential general health.

Now with time and the advancement in technology, it is possible for the Best Neurologist in Punjab to provide various options for the treatment of pediatric tumors.

Treatment for pediatric tumors is not similar to that of adult tumors. There is some difference between the two treatments. That is why it is vital for you to enlist the experience and the expertise of the pediatric specialist in the Best Brain Hospital in Punjab for cancer. 

What Are The Symptoms Of Pediatric Brain Tumors?

The symptoms and the signs of brain tumors in children vary from child to child. Apart from that, the symptoms will also change based on the location of the brain tumor, its type, and the rate of growth. There are certain signs and symptoms you will not be able to identify as they somewhat have similar symptoms of other conditions.

Some of the most common types of symptoms of a brain tumor in children include:

  1. Headaches might become more extreme and frequent over the course of time.
  2. There is a feeling of increased pressure in the head.
  3. You might experience unexplained nausea or vomiting.
  4. There is an abrupt onset of vision problems, including double vision. 

Symptoms Based On The Location Of Tumor

  1. Noticed a fuller soft spot (fontanel) on the skull of the babies.
  2. Detecting seizures, especially if there has been no history of attacks before.
  3. Having abnormal eye movement.
  4. There is slurred speech.
  5. Having some trouble swallowing.
  6. There is a loss of appetite. For babies, you might find it challenging to feed them.
  7. There is a difficulty with balance
  8. You notice some sort of trouble in walking
  9. There is a weakness or loss of sensation in an arm or the leg.
  10. Drooping or weakness in one side of the face.
  11. There is some sort of confusion or irritability
  12. Having memory problems.
  13. Changes in the personality or behaviors
  14. Having hearing problems 

What Are The Risk Factors Of Pediatric Brain Tumors?

In most cases, the causes of the brain tumor in the child are unclear. But there are certain types of brain tumors, such as medulloblastoma or ependymoma, which is very evident in the child brain tumor. It is not very common, but having a family history of brain tumors or a family history with genetic syndrome might increase the risk of having brain tumors in some of those children. 

Contact Us

Dr. Jhawar – is a renowned doctor who provides pediatric neurology and brain tumor treatment.

Some of the other possible signs and symptoms based on the location that might indicate you of brain tumor for pediatric are mentioned in this post for more information call our experts now.

Spotting Brain Tumor Symptoms Early: Prominent Things You Must Know
Brain Tumours

Spotting Brain Tumor Symptoms Early: Prominent Things You Must Know

Brain tumors are the unusual growths of cells inside the brain or nearby tissues. They can considerably influence anyone, irrespective of their age. It might showcase an extensive range of…

  • November 22, 2024


Warning Signs Of Brain Hemorrhage That Caregivers Should Know

Warning Signs Of Brain Hemorrhage That Caregivers Should Know

One of the most critical brain conditions that can lead to loss of life is brain hemorrhage. It is a situation that is termed for the bleeding within the brain…

  • November 21, 2024


Stroke: What To Do And What Not?

Stroke or brain attack: Immediate medical assistance is important

Stroke is one of the most troublesome and life-threatening situations where a patient’s life counts every second. A person is not under her senses, so the ones around him have to take the best care of themselves. Every second counts, and it’s imperative to take the proper measures; otherwise, the person’s condition can worsen. Most importantly, call an ambulance from one of the Best Brain Hospital in Punjab without any delay.

Three things to do if someone is having a stroke

First: Call ‘112’ right away

Without doing anything else, pick up your phone and call 112.

No doubt, not everyone is aware of the stroke symptoms. In case you notice any symptoms, then call for an emergency. You can discuss the stroke symptoms and what measures to take from one of the best brain and Spine Doctors in Punjab.

Second: Note the time when symptoms started

Please do note the time when the symptoms started or what was the one that you noticed. As there’s a clot-busting medication, if given to someone having a stroke within 4.5 hours will reverse or stop the symptoms. Bear in mind when the treatment or medical intervention is given early, it does make a lot of difference.

Third: Understand CPR and perform it

Although, not every patient needs CPR. But, if you find the person unconscious, then please check the following:Breathing

  • Pulse

You can ask the medical expert to enlighten you about CPR and how to perform it. If the severity of stroke is higher, the chances of them having  Acute Stroke Treatment in Punjab are higher.

Three things not to do if someone is having a stroke

First: Never let the person sleep until the ambulance arrives or they reach the hospital

Studies have shown that stroke patients feel sleepy after a stroke. Moreover, the stroke survivors make the mistake of going to sleep first instead of going to the hospital.

As mentioned above, every second counts, so don’t delay medical intervention. Please make sure to visit the ER.

Second: Please don’t let them have food or drinks

Stroke patients should not have any food, drinks, or medications until they see the doctor. Thinking of taking aspirin, keep in mind that it can easily rupture your blood vessels and worsen the condition. All these habits will do more harm to stroke patients.

Third: A stroke person should never drive

Even if the stroke patient feels better and conscious, they should never drive on their own. Always take assistance from someone responsible enough to handle everything.

What are the common stroke symptoms?

  • A hang on one side of the face
  • Difficulty lifting one arm or using the hand
  • Difficulty moving one leg or dragging leg to walk
  • Problem speaking or talking
  • Impaired vision in one or both eyes
  • Vertigo or dizziness
  • Difficulty walking or sudden imbalance

Do you need medical assistance?

Schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Jhawar to make an ill-informed decision about your condition.

Spotting Brain Tumor Symptoms Early: Prominent Things You Must Know
Brain Tumours

Spotting Brain Tumor Symptoms Early: Prominent Things You Must Know

Brain tumors are the unusual growths of cells inside the brain or nearby tissues. They can considerably influence anyone, irrespective of their age. It might showcase an extensive range of…

  • November 22, 2024


Warning Signs Of Brain Hemorrhage That Caregivers Should Know

Warning Signs Of Brain Hemorrhage That Caregivers Should Know

One of the most critical brain conditions that can lead to loss of life is brain hemorrhage. It is a situation that is termed for the bleeding within the brain…

  • November 21, 2024


How does surgical treatment help the patient with a brain tumor?

Epilepsy surgery and brain tumor

The patients with brain tumors need to get surgical treatment for tumor removal and rectify the reason for seizures. Undergoing Epilepsy Surgery In Punjab under the expertise of trained and renowned surgeons gives you the most effective care. For the patients with brain tumors, chances of having seizures are higher. Higher prevalence rate of seizures can greatly affect the person’s quality of life.

Undergoing the Spinal Tumors Treatment in Ludhiana at the earliest is crucial to have better success chances. Especially when the treatment is done under the expertise of a trained neurologist. Considering the severity of the condition, some patients might need 2 surgical treatments and need to stay in the hospital to keep a proper check on your condition. Detailed check of the tumor allows to find the reason behind seizures and where exactly is the problem. With epilepsy surgery the key factor is to address the problem effectively.

How is surgical treatment effective for seizures?

Seizures occur when the body movement is not under control and everything happens suddenly. The problem occurs when there’s an abnormal electrical activity happening in the brain.

  • What are the symptoms that determine you have seizures to get surgery?

Some of the most common signs and symptoms of seizures are:

  • Change in emotion
  • Loss of muscle control
  • Loss of awareness
  • Shaking

Chances of brain tumor patients having seizures are higher when cells around the tumor do not develop like normal and the tumor causes chemical imbalance. Through surgical approach the focus is upon to remove the tumor and reason behind it. You need to visit the neurosurgeon to determine the exact reason behind the chemical imbalance happening in the brain.

  • Understanding the exact reason behind seizures

Most importantly, they study the tissue removed during surgery to analyze the metabolic and molecular changes that cause seizures. The specific area of the brain has higher chances of metabolic abnormalities. Basically, it’s one of those processes where energy gets processed on a higher scale.

Moreover, electrical recording among epilepsy patients allows to cover larger area. Afterward, the electrodes are placed inside the brain to check how well the person:

  • Encode a memory
  • Recall something from the past

Additionally, the electrical recordings allow analysis of the basal ganglia. The group of structures that plays important role in:

  • Decision making
  • Learning 

Better neuro care awaits you!

You need to be careful when it comes to neuro health. Don’t neglect or delay the situation otherwise it can get worse in the future. If you are struggling with any problem linked to neuro health then schedule initial consultation with Dr. Jhawar to analyze better what your condition is.

Spotting Brain Tumor Symptoms Early: Prominent Things You Must Know
Brain Tumours

Spotting Brain Tumor Symptoms Early: Prominent Things You Must Know

Brain tumors are the unusual growths of cells inside the brain or nearby tissues. They can considerably influence anyone, irrespective of their age. It might showcase an extensive range of…

  • November 22, 2024


Warning Signs Of Brain Hemorrhage That Caregivers Should Know

Warning Signs Of Brain Hemorrhage That Caregivers Should Know

One of the most critical brain conditions that can lead to loss of life is brain hemorrhage. It is a situation that is termed for the bleeding within the brain…

  • November 21, 2024


Guide on common types of brain and spinal cord tumors in children

Spinal or Brain Tumor In Children

If your child is diagnosed with a spinal or brain tumor or the primary health care provider has told you that your child is at increased for the same, it will make you think, ‘What to do?’ Most importantly, you need to take your child to one of the Best Neurologist in Ludhiana to well-manage the situation. Moreover, the doctor’s assistance is the first step to telling you better which grade the spinal cord or brain tumor is.

The spinal cord or brain tumor is categorized into Grade 1 to Grade 4. The doctor will check the cancer inside the microscope to see it effectively and how severe it is. The grade classification is termed as follows:

  • Grade 1: Least serious

  • Grade 1 to 2: Low-grade tumors grow slowly

  • Grade 3 to 4: High-grade tumors

If your child’s tumor growth turns out to be serious, then immediate action is taken by the Neurosurgeon In Punjab to let it get under control on time. Your child’s quality of life is improved, and most importantly, the tumor won’t spread to other body parts.

Which are the most common brain and spinal cord tumors in children?

One thing is that certain brain and spinal cord tumors are of different types. Being aware of which one your child has and what treatment plan is appropriate is essential. Some of the most common types of brain and spinal cord tumors in children are:

  • Astrocytomas

  • Brain stem gliomas

  • Ependymomas

  • Optic nerve gliomas

  • Choroid plexus tumor

  • Spinal cord tumor

  • Craniopharyngioma

  • Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor

  • Germ cell tumor

For every type and child, the treatment plan is customized, which is why an initial diagnosis is carried out.

Which are the most common locations for brain and spinal cord tumors in children?

Determining the brain and spinal cord tumor is essential to see the problem and how it can be dealt with. The most common locations for brain and spinal cord tumors are:

  • Cerebellum

Present on the lower brain back part, which is accountable for controlling balance, coordination, and fine muscle control. Walking is managed with this part.

  • Cerebrum

Present on the large and brain outer part. The location is accountable to controls thought, learning, planned muscle movements, speech, emotions, and the senses.

  • Brainstem

The brain bottom part is in touch with the spinal cord cerebrum, and it aids in controlling all the basic body movements & functions.

  • Spinal cord

The spinal cord is the collection of various nerves. The starting point is the brain, reaching the spine length. It is accountable for sending messages to and from the brain.

Pediatric brain and spinal cord tumor treatment

Children can have all types of brain and spinal cord tumors. The kind of treatment your child needs depends on the type, severity, location, and age. As the tumor can be benign or malignant, the treatment should not be avoided. Are you worried about your child’s brain and spine health? Schedule initial consultation with Dr. Sukhdeep Singh Jhawar to effectively analyze what’s the problem and get treatment based on advanced technology.

Spotting Brain Tumor Symptoms Early: Prominent Things You Must Know
Brain Tumours

Spotting Brain Tumor Symptoms Early: Prominent Things You Must Know

Brain tumors are the unusual growths of cells inside the brain or nearby tissues. They can considerably influence anyone, irrespective of their age. It might showcase an extensive range of…

  • November 22, 2024


Warning Signs Of Brain Hemorrhage That Caregivers Should Know

Warning Signs Of Brain Hemorrhage That Caregivers Should Know

One of the most critical brain conditions that can lead to loss of life is brain hemorrhage. It is a situation that is termed for the bleeding within the brain…

  • November 21, 2024


Dr. Jhawar treatment approach for the patients if a brain tumor comes back

Among cancer patients, there is one major concern and that is, ‘What if brain tumor comes back?’ You need to consult the best Neurosurgeon In Punjab to understand better what approach will be followed if the tumor comes back again. Studies have shown that the chances of a tumor coming back are normal even when treated the first time. In medical terms, it is referred to as recurrence. If this is what is happening with you then consulting the Best Neurologist in Ludhiana is a way to make your health better and you will feel yourself again. In case, the cancer cure is not possible then treatment will help you:

  • To control the symptoms
  • Cancer will be in control

What are the symptoms of a brain tumor?

Even in case the brain tumor occurs again, the symptoms are similar which includes:

  • Eye problem
  • Headache
  • Seizures (Fits)
  • Feeling sick
  • Loss of consciousness or drowsiness

Apart from these, you will notice the symptoms like the radiotherapy impact on the brain is going to be less. In such a condition, you are expected to notice these symptoms:

  • Sleepiness
  • Lack of energy
  • Old symptoms will get worse
  • Loss of appetite

Due to high blood pressure, infection or not having enough intake of fluid you can expect dehydration problems. If you suspect you have dehydration then make sure to tell the doctor in the first place.

Starting the right treatment for tumor recurrence

You need to consult the best doctor to better plan your tumor recurrence treatment plan. The treatment plan given to you will be based on:

  • The tumor location
  • Brain tumor type
  • Overall health
  • The treatment you have undergone in the past

You will have a cancer team by your side to find the best treatment plan for you. Just make sure that you visit for the appointment regularly and do as your cancer doctor says.

What are the treatment options for tumor recurrence?

Brain tumor recurrence treatment options will be from the following:

  • Radiotherapy

During radiotherapy, high-energy X-rays are used for destroying cancer cells. If you have not got radiotherapy earlier then you might be suggested to get it. Additionally, if the tumor is in another brain part even then radiotherapy is suggested. The doctor will suggest external radiotherapy or stereotactic radiotherapy.

  • Chemotherapy

During chemo sessions, cytotoxic drugs are used to destroy cancer cells. The drug is going to pass down the entire body through the blood. Ideally, it is the first choice if the tumor has come back again.

  • Surgery

Surgery is another good choice for patients experiencing tumor recurrence. But, there are certain cases in which brain surgery is not suggested to do again when:

  • There are more new brain tumors
  • The tumor is growing quickly or it will grow back again.

Apart from these, you will be suggested certain medications and support trials might be ideal to manage the situation. If you are experiencing any sort of problem, then you need to schedule your initial consultation with our neurologist.

Spotting Brain Tumor Symptoms Early: Prominent Things You Must Know
Brain Tumours

Spotting Brain Tumor Symptoms Early: Prominent Things You Must Know

Brain tumors are the unusual growths of cells inside the brain or nearby tissues. They can considerably influence anyone, irrespective of their age. It might showcase an extensive range of…

  • November 22, 2024


Warning Signs Of Brain Hemorrhage That Caregivers Should Know

Warning Signs Of Brain Hemorrhage That Caregivers Should Know

One of the most critical brain conditions that can lead to loss of life is brain hemorrhage. It is a situation that is termed for the bleeding within the brain…

  • November 21, 2024