Shaky Hands: Treatments, Types And Causes

A lot of individuals who are above 60 years old can be seen to have shaky hands, which are also known as tremors. It is important to consult with a neurosurgeon in Ludhiana. Shaky hands are involuntary shaking hands that utilise difficulties in performing everyday tasks, which can also impact the overall quality of life for those who are affected by this problem.


Shaky hands can be classified depending on the specific characteristics of the tremor and its underlying cause, such as essential tremor, which is the most common type of tremor that is commonly affected by hands, but it can also involve the head, voice or other body parts. Resting tremor occurs when the affected body part is at rest and not engaged in purposeful movement. Action tremor occurs during voluntary movement, such as reaching for an object. Intention tremor is often associated with damage to the cerebellum.

Task-specific tremors can occur during specific activities, such as threading a needle or playing a musical instrument. Psychogenic tremors may be triggered by emotional factors such as stress or psychological distress.Thus, it is important to identify various reasons for appropriate treatment for shaky hands as it can be compelled by various factors such as stress and anxiety. 


A common symptom that can manifest physically can lead to increased muscle tension and trembling. Parkinson’s disease is an advanced neurological disorder that can affect movement, and stiffness and bradykinesia are the main components of this disease. Medication side affects the central nervous system, which includes certain antidepressants, antipsychotics and drugs that are used to treat asthma. 


Excessive consumption of caffeine and stimulants can also lead to shaky hands. Individuals who are alcohol dependent may experience tremors when they reduce their alcohol intake suddenly. Hyperthyroidism thyroid hormones play a role in regulating metabolism, and an excess can result in increased physiological activity, which includes tremors. Various neurological conditions, for example, multiple sclerosis, can also lead to tremors.

Low blood sugar and Huntington’s disease is a genetic disorder that leads to progressive cognitive and motor decline. Traumatic brain injury may also lead to tremors.The diagnosing process typically includes several steps as a neurologist in Punjab provides a detailed medical history, which includes information about the beginning of symptoms and their frequency. A physical inspection will also be performed to assess overall health and identify the neurological signs. A specific neurological examination will be performed to assess the nature of the tremor, which will involve testing different movements. 


Reviews of medications and substances, blood tests, imaging studies, electrophysiological testing, specialised neurological testing, and evaluation for psychogenic tremors are recommended to assess the factors that could be contributing to shaking hands. Thus, once the diagnosis is established, a neurosurgeon in Ludhiana can discuss appropriate treatment options and develop a management plan that is underlying the cause of the shaky hands. 


There are some general approaches and strategies used depending upon the impact of the tremors on daily life, such as medical treatment, including medications, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), botulinum toxin injections, etc. Physical therapy includes a capacity of motion exercises, strength training, coordination and control exercises, task-specific training, balance and posture training and biofeedback. You can enhance your lifestyle modifications by avoiding triggers, using relaxation techniques, exercising, using occupational therapy, etc.


Jhawar Hospital provides the best neurologist in Punjab who will improve the entire health of the patient and not just focus on alleviating signs. We have acceptable medical equipment and infrastructure to analyse different neurological problems and deliver the best treatments. Thus, if you or somebody you comprehend has been experiencing shaky hands, you can confer with us for a precise diagnosis and personalised therapy plan.


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