What Is Neuropathic Pain, And What Causes Neuropathic Pain?

Neuropathic pain

Neuropathic pain is when your nervous system is damaged and not working, so pain occurs from various levels of the nervous system, such as the spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and brain. Peripheral nerves, which include multiple parts of the body such as the leg, arm, finger, toes, etc. which places spread pain 

Causes of neuropathic pain 

Neuropathic pain can be caused by diseases such as;

  • HIV infection 
  • Alcoholism 
  • Diabetes 
  • Stroke facial nerve system 
  • Chemotherapy drug 
  • Radiation therapy 
  • Spine nerve inflammation
  • Trauma  

Neuropathic mouth pain 

Pain occurs in the nervous system. Some causes of neuropathic pain, such as trigeminal neuralgia, atypical odontalgia, oral nerve injury, and complex regional pain syndrome, are neuropathic pain terms in the orofacial region. When you suffer from pain, your facial expression tells about pain doctors suspect this pain occurs from dental issues.

Trigeminal neuralgia

Pain occurs from severe facial pain and chronic pain such as jaw and forehead. The most common orofacial neuropathic pain is trigeminal neuralgia. Pain affects the Fifth cranial nerves, which means that nerves provide pain through nerves that signal parts of the brain and face. When your blood vessel contacts, the nerve root enters the brain stem. 

Symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia

  • Sudden pain
  • One side face pain 
  • Burning and aching sensation  
  • Intense pain 
  • Pain attack for a few seconds 
  • Numbness  
  • Pain occurs from regularly 

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)

Reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome is also known as complex regional pain syndrome. Pain rarely comes from the nervous system—the craniofacial region affected by CRPS, like the arm and leg. CRPS1 relates to tissue injury and refers secondly to the nerve system. The pain you can explain is like a burning sensation because of changes in skin temperature, color, swelling, and increased skin sensitivity.   

Symptoms of CRPS 

  • Stiffness 
  • Change the color of skin, hair, and nail 
  • Burning pain in arm and leg 
  • Pain intensity 

Oral nerve injury 

When inferior alveolar and lingual nerves occur from dental or medical procedures, sensations show through facial structures such as teeth, oral mucus, and skin. Tooth extraction causes inferior alveolar and lingual nerve damage. In that case, consulting a dentist in Punjab would be the best option.

Symptoms of oral nerve injury

  • Pain and burning sensation  
  • Numbness of the tongue 
  • Tangling upper and lower lips 

Atypical odontalgia 

Eating hot and cold food, drinking, chewing, and biting makes you feel a typical toothache sensation. That is atypical odontalgia pain. When you do not relieve tooth aching, the doctor injects your tooth with a local anesthetic injection. Then you ease the pain. This situation could be more complex for patients and the dentist when they give dental treatment to patients. 

Causes of atypical odontalgia 

Atypical odontalgia does not have any known apparent causes. Some clinics say that pain is idiopathic. It may occur from various factors such as genetics, age, sex, and predisposition. It is prevalent for men and women. Most suffer from middle-aged people.

When you suffer from atypical odontalgia, dentists treat medications, such as tricyclic antidepressants, most used in this condition. It helps to reduce the pain but does not cure properly. 

If you are experiencing facial or dental pain, you can seek help from a trusted Dental Clinic

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