Warning Signs Your Children May Have Neurological Disorders

Thousands of children are facing neurological disorders; the worst part is their parts are unaware of it. Every time a kid faces a sign or symptom of a neurological disorder, their parents consider it as a generic health issue and start their treatment with normal doctors instead of a neurosurgeon. Which later increases the problem.

That’s why in this post, we will talk about a few warning signs to look into for your child, with the help of which you can know if you are facing a neurological disorder.

What are Neurological Disorders?

 Neurological disorders in children take place when there are abnormalities in their brain, nervous system, or muscle cells. However, it is said that such issues take place when kids face a traumatic health issue or some significant infections.

Also, there are certain conditions in which your children could have been born with a neurological disorder, but you might not be aware of it.

Suppose your kid is facing issues such as migraine headaches, epilepsy, or more such major health issues. In that case, you should get in touch with the best Neurologist in Ludhiana who can help you diagnose the neurological problem and later treat it.

In the coming section, let us look at the significant signs that state your children may have neurological disorders.

Warning Signs Your Children May Have Neurological Disorders:

 It is said that evaluating neurological disorders in kids is challenging, but there are a few warning signs you can keep in mind and consider for your kids by yourself. So let us have a look at those warning signs:

  • The first major warning sign is if your kid has learned and mastered a skill. But later, you notice that they are slowly losing that skill, which can be a serious sign of a neurological disorder.
  • The skills can be walking, eating, or speaking a name. If you notice that your kid is not doing any such activity they used to do before by themselves, then it’s the right time to contact your neurosurgeon.
  • The second warning sign from the list is abnormal muscle tone at birth; if you notice an abnormal muscle tone in your kid, that could be a neurological disorder. Although you can evaluate such disorders at the time of the birth of the kid, you should directly run to the doctor.
  • When you are able to notice that your kid has a slow language or motor skills, then this is also a warning sign that your kid must be facing some neurological disorder.
  • Just imagine your kid is sitting active and you called them but they are not responding on time or at all, then this is also a serious sign of neurological disorders.


There are numerous warning signs around neurological disorders in kids, but above mentioned are some of the most common ones. Make sure you are evaluating your kid on a weekly basis for these warning signs.

If you notice such signs and are looking for an experienced Neurosurgeon Ludhiana, Jhawar Neuro is the best and most reliable option for you.

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