Concussion: What are the signs of concussion and post-concussion syndrome?

Concussion Awareness Day: 21st September

No doubt, it’s time to celebrate and talk more about the concussion problem. In case of serious head injuries, concussions syndrome trigger suddenly. Make sure to check the symptoms so that problem get’s detected on time. So, if you have been involved with a head injury, then make sure you visit one of the Best Brain Hospital in Punjab to manage everything.

Awareness of the symptoms gives you an upper hand to effectively manage the situation. The medical assistance helps to make the situation under control on time. Get the problem on treatment otherwise the chances of brain and spine health can get affected. If there has been an adverse impact on the spine, you have to consult one of the best Neuro Spine Surgeon in Ludhiana to ensure the situation becomes manageable.

What are the signs of a concussion?

Here are some of the major signs and symptoms you should look for in concussion and be effectively mindful of the situation:

  • Confused and feeling dazed
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Memory loss
  • Feeling pressure or headache
  • Ears ringing
  • Slurred speech
  • Loss of consciousness

Make sure to be aware of the situation so it gets managed and treatment can begin on time. The Neurosurgeon will help better to understand the situation.

Did you know?

Don’t leave the symptoms untreated, otherwise there are increased chances of having symptoms:

  • Balance issue
  • Vision problem
  • Behavior change
  • Migraine
  • Headache or migraine
  • Depression and mood swings

Please be mindful that the symptoms won’t get noticed right away. At times, concussion symptoms occur for few hours, days, or weeks following injury. So, make sure to consult the medical expert without delay so that it does not get any worse.

What are post-concussion syndromes?

Post-concussion syndrome is all about the after-effects. The signs and symptoms won’t happen even 7 days after injury. In most cases, the symptoms come and go for three months, and it’s essential to understand exactly the problem. Some of the possible symptoms that you can notice are:

  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Ringing sound occurs in the ears
  • Slurred speech
  • Pressure like feeling a headache or head
  • Confusion and dazed feeling

On-time concussion diagnosis and treatment

That said, it’s crucial to analyze what’s important and what’s not. The brain doctor checks the extent of the injury to understand the necessary way for its management. Those who play high-contact sports should be mindful about getting a concussion diagnosis on time and understand the most appropriate way of its management. Taking prompt actions is much easier and more effective in counterbalancing the situation.

Schedule initial consultation with a Neurosurgeon

The brain doctor tells about the necessary approach to make everything better. If there’s any doubt on your mind, do talk about the same with the medical expert.

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Brain TumoursNeurologist

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