What Is The Procedure Of Skull Base Surgery, And What Does It Treat?

The skull is a composition of cartilage and bones that create the structure of the face and the cranium that surrounds the brain. In fact, you can also feel the bones of the cranium on top of the skull.

Did you know, according to the Best Neurologist in Punjab, the bones that form the base or the bottom of the uranium also create the roof of the nasal cavity, the eye socket, the bones around the inner ear, and some of the sinuses?

Basically, the skull base is a complicated or crowded place that has several openings that the nerves, spinal cord, and many blood vessels pass through.

Skull Base Surgery

The doctor might remove both the cancerous and the non-cancerous growth in the Skull Base Surgery In Punjab. They also get rid of the abnormalities on the skull base, underside of the brain, or the top few vertebrae of the spinal column.

The doctor usually conducts the skull base surgery with a minimally invasive endoscopic procedure in the Best Brain Hospital in Punjab as it is a complex area to see and reach for the treatment.

The Procedure Of Skull Base Surgery

In this procedure, the doctor inserts an instrument through a natural opening in the skull. The natural opening is either the nose or the mouth. Sometimes, they make a small hole just above the eyebrows to insert the device. In this surgery, the doctor usually requires a panel of specialist teams that might include ENT (ear, nose, and throat) surgeons, neurosurgeons, maxillofacial surgeons, and radiologists.

With today’s modern technology, there are easier versions to complete tasks. However, in some cases, they might have to perform the older version of the surgery.

What Are The Uses Of Skull Base Surgery?

Let us now move towards what kind of conditions or problems you can get rid of with the help of skull base surgery.

These are some of the conditions or growth that you can treat with skull base surgery.

  1. Cysts that grow from birth.
  2. Certain infections cause growth.
  3. Pituitary glands.
  4. Non-cancerous meningiomas tumors that develop from the meninges. It is the tissue that surrounds the brain and lies in between the skull and the brain.
  5. The doctor mostly found a slow-growing bone tumor at the base of the skull. It is known as chordomas.
  6. Trigeminal neuralgia- is an intense discomfort or pain on one side of the face.
  7. Craniopharyngiomas are a growth that happens near the pituitary gland.
  8. Craniosynostosis is a condition in which the skull bones of an infant close too quickly. This causes issues with the growth of the brain and the shape of the skull.
  9. Cerebrospinal fluid fistulas
  1. A cerebral aneurysm is a weak, mostly bulging area in blood vessels in the brain.
  2. Arteriovenous malformations, veins, and arteries that are abnormally connected to one another.
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