Spine Care: Which are the new technologies for spine surgery in India?

India: Technology bringing the change in spine care

India: Technological development is seen in every possible field you can think of. It’s the change that allows increasing the demand. But is it okay to see the demand and opt for the same? If you have been thinking about getting Spine Surgery in Ludhiana, then understand what technological development has in store for you.

What are the new technologies in spine surgery focused upon?

When you consult the Neuro specialist In Ludhiana, he will guide you better towards all options you have. Most importantly, he will make you understand the goal of new technologies available in spinal surgery to promote better and more effective results:

  • Aiming towards less invasive approaches
  • Reducing the extent of postoperative pain
  • Speeding recovery
  • Taking measures to preserve motion in the spinal segment
  • Enhancing spinal fusion between adjacent segments

For all these factors to come into the light. 

Latest surgical technologies for spine care

Spine treatment 1: Cervical artificial disc replacement

The approach of the artificial disc for treating cervical disc is now standing the test of time. Indeed! The option is gaining attention because of effective surgery and effective final results.

Spine treatment 2: Spinal fusion

Another great procedure is spinal fusion. Slow and steady, it is getting the attention of the medical science because:

  • Enhanced fusion rate
  • Reduces postoperative pain
  • Reduced complications

Additionally, being referred to as a minimally invasive procedure makes it even better and has higher demand.

Spine treatment 3: Vertebral augmentation

Do you have a painful fractured vertebra? Well, now you can choose something minimally invasive and safe. The patients get to transform their spine health through:

  • Vertebroplasty
  • Kyphoplasty

Earlier the only choice for the patients was the no-surgical option, which leaves behind the pain at times. But the medical invention has made that change for the better and allows the patients to seek the benefit of these treatment options.

Spine treatment 4: Minimally invasive sacroiliac joint fusion

SI joint fusion is another minimally invasive approach to getting attention to transforming spine health for the better. So, if you have pain due to sacroiliac joint fusion dysfunction, you can benefit from a minimally invasive approach to promote spine health.

How to get the best spine treatment?

Indeed! No one wants to live with spine pain for the rest of their lives. So, it’s essential to find the best spine treatment for yourself. To do that, you have to:

  • Proper diagnosis of your condition to analyze the issue and how to make it better. Once the problem is found, it’s easier to create the desired treatment plan to improve spine health.
  • Another major factor is finding one of the best spine surgeons who understand the latest spine treatment.

Are you looking for a spine surgeon?

Dr. Jhawar is a renowned spine surgeon well-versed in all latest and inventive spinal care.

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जाने मिस मिरपाल कौर संधू से कैसे किया डॉक्टर सुखदीप सिंह झावर ने उनके ट्यूमर का इलाज

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