Most comfortable and compassionate paediatric neurosurgery for better results

Paediatric neuro care

Right from birth to different phases of childhood, there’s the development and increased chances of having neurological problems. Neurological problems happen due to conditions like injury, trauma, birth defects, inherited conditions, and other factors. Under the supervision of one of the Best Neurologist in Punjab, your child seeks the most precise and unique care to help reduce the severity of symptoms. Moreover, it’s about ensuring your child’s condition getsimproves with compassionate and advanced care.

Most common Paediatric Neurological Disorders

Here are some of the most common paediatric neurological disorders:

  • Arachnoid cysts
  • Epilepsy and seizures
  • Skeletal dysplasia
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Chiari malformation
  • Craniofacial syndromes
  • Craniosynostosis
  • Brachial plexus injury
  • Learning disorders like dyslexia
  • Craniofacial syndromes
  • Craniosynostosis
  • Traumatic brain and spinal injuries
  • Spasticity or abnormalities in gait
  • Brain and spinal cord tumor
  • Spinal cord (Brain and skull) and head deformity
  • Congenital malformation of the spine and brain
  • Birth injuries leading to leg and arms weakness
  • Cerebral palsy and other conditions causing spasticity
  • Neural tube disorders such as spina bifida and syringomyelia
  • Vascular abnormalities such as moyamoya and paediatric aneurysm

If your child is diagnosed with any of these conditions, then make sure to get Pediatric Neurosurgery Treatment in Ludhiana at the earliest, and the neurosurgeon will give the ideal care that your child needs.

What are the symptoms of Paediatric neurological disorders?

  • Muscle rigidity, tremors, or seizures
  • Learning disabilities
  • Slurred speech
  • Developmental delays
  • Lack of coordination
  • Increase or lack of growth in head size
  • Muscle wasting
  • Changes in activity, reflexes, or movements
  • Changes in the level of consciousness or mood
  • Loss of sensation is one or more body parts
  • Persistent or severe headache

Are there any risk factors for Paediatric Neurological disorder?

The central nervous system is complex, so it takes some time to develop. Therefore, different neurological disorders can occur, making the condition even worse. There are a few factors that are likely to increase the risk of paediatric neurological disorders:

  • Immune system disorders
  • Tumors
  • Structural defect during birth
  • Blood supply or vascular disorders affects brain blood flow
  • Congenital or metabolic health conditions/ailments
  • Trauma or injury to head, face, and spinal cord
  • Degeneration of muscle or nerve tissue due to one or more conditions
  • Mental health issues include anxiety disorder, psychosis, and depression, causing the situation worse
  • Infections that develop any time after birth
  • Getting exposed to drugs or toxic substances

You need to consult the neurosurgeon at the earliest to pinpoint exactly what the problem is and accordingly take the necessary steps. The neurosurgeon will guide if any factors can mitigate the problem from getting worse in the future.

Treatment for paediatric neurological disorders

The treatment for paediatric neurological disorder includes a different approach depending on your child’s condition.

  • Endoscopic surgery for Hydrocephalus
  • Neuro-endoscopy for arachnoid cysts & tumor biopsy
  • Surgical and non-surgical treatment for paediatric tumors
  • Tethered cord treatment for myelomeningocele and lipomyelomeningocele (Spina Sbifida)
  • Surgical treatment
  • Correction treatment
  • Antenatal counseling
  • Medications


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