Define neuropathy.

Neuropathy is a condition that affects the nerves outside your brain and spinal cord. There are several reasons that can occur because of trauma to infection to inherited conditions. There are some possible symptoms of these conditions that are treatable, but these can vary widely from person to person. 


What is Neuropathy? 

Neuropathy is an umbrella term for the nerve diseases that affect a specific subdivision of your nervous system. Many different conditions can cause neuropathy, which means a wide range of symptoms is also possible. Neuropathy can also affect other body parts, depending on how and why it happens. Some critical conditions are treated by surgery, and the best neurosurgeon in Ludhiana performs it. 


What are the causes of neuropathy? 

There are several reasons that cause neuropathy. 

  • Type 2 diabetes: Diabetes is a common cause of neuropathy. When your blood sugar is too high for too long, it damages your peripheral nerves. People with type 2 diabetes can lose the feeling in their feet and lower legs.  
  • Alcohol use disorder: Excessive intake of alcohol, especially over long periods of time, can damage nerves. Alcohol use disorder is a common cause of peripheral neuropathy, and it can also contribute to vitamin deficiencies that lead to peripheral neuropathy.
  • Vitamin and nutrient deficiencies: People can develop nerve damage because they lack specific vitamins. The deficiencies that are most likely to cause this are copper and vitamins B1, B6, B9, B12, folic acid and E. Too much vitamin B6 can also cause this.
  • Autoimmune and inflammatory conditions: Guillain-Barre syndrome and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy can cause severe weakness. They are also very treatable. Neuropathy can happen due to lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren syndrome, vasculitis and more.
  • Medications and toxins: Chemotherapy and certain other medications can cause peripheral neuropathy. Exposure to some heavy metals and industrial chemicals can also cause it.
  • Tumors: Malignant tumors and benign tumors can both disrupt your peripheral nervous system.
  • Genetic conditions: Genetic conditions are ones you inherit from one or both parents. Examples of these causing peripheral neuropathy include amyloidosis, Fabry disease and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. 
  • Vascular disorders: Lack of blood flow can cause peripheral neuropathy. A harmless, temporary form of this happens when you sit or lay a certain way and an arm or leg falls asleep. This goes away quickly if you shift position enough for circulation to return. More severe circulation problems can cause serious and permanent nerve damage.
  • Idiopathic neuropathy: It is common for peripheral neuropathy to happen for unknown reasons. This type of neuropathy is known as idiopathic.


How does chiropractic treat neuropathy?

Different types of chiropractic treatment are helpful for neuropathy problems. 

  • Cold laser Therapy: It is a device that offers light energy through various wavelengths into soft tissue like muscles, skin and nerves without generating heat, thereby reducing pain. Cold laser therapy is one of the most popular forms for the treatment of neuropathic pain. 
  • Adjustment and Manipulation: It is a form of chiropractic treatment that focuses on realigning the spine and is believed to reduce pain. 
  • Spinal decompression: It is a technique to relieve the pain of herniated and degenerative discs effectively. 
  • Therapeutic ultrasound: Ultrasound is a type of medical imaging technique that uses sound waves to create an image of tissues within the body. 

If you are suffering from any neuropathy pain, then contact the Jhawar Neuro Hospital. We have the best Neurologist in Punjab.

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