The Neurological Point of View of Learning About Smell and Taste Disorders and Recuperation

All five sense organs have their functions in the human body. Just like a nose operates various functions, most importantly, to smell. Similarly, other senses like smell and taste perform a critical role daily. It allows us to enjoy our favourite food items and helps us understand our surroundings and cope up with our emotions. However, these senses have a powerful connection with our neurological system. 


As we go further with this blog, we will discover a better sense of knowing the medical aspects of  smell and taste organs hold, following the familiar disorders affecting these senses and how one can overcome these issues by taking necessary treatments and that too from the best neurologist in India

Two different and crucial systems of smell and taste 

  • The Olfactory System is the master receptor accountable to our sense of smell. These are liable to discover the odour particles and send an alert signal to the olfactory bulb, a part of the brain. There are other parts of the brain that allow a human to remember the smell and relate it with emotions and memories, such as the olfactory cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala. 


  • The Gustatory System provides us with numerous taste experiences through taste buds, primarily the gustatory cells. When we eat or drink something sweet or salty, these receptors transmit a message to the necessary brain nerves and brainstem, which involves the facial, vagus, and glossopharyngeal nerves. Further, the brain sheds light on the food temperature, taste, and texture to the gustatory cortex, allowing the human to decide whether the food or the drink is scrumptious or not. 


Familiar smell and taste disorders prevailing all over the world


Unfortunately, some human beings are born with these disorders. However, some of them get attacked by these disorders at a different phase of their lives. Some of the disorders and their causes are mentioned below:

  • Hypogeusia: This is the stage where the person’s ability to smell lessens with every passing day. If a person has gone through chemotherapy, has unhealthy eating habits or diets or is ageing, then there are possible chances of having hypogeusia. The destruction of taste buds or gustatory pathways leads to this particular suffering.


  • Anosmia: A person loses partial or full sense of smell at this stage. This disorder ‘is common aspects include tumours, sinus infections, viral infections like COVID-19, and nasal disturbances from polyps. 


  • Parosmia: This stage leads to an abnormality of the sense of smell. The obstruction of the olfactory system due to an infection or severe head injury leads to Parosmia.


  • Dysgeusia: A person suffers from a continuous bad taste in the mouth. The root cause of this suffering would be bad oral health because of gum disease, diabetes, intake of antibiotics or chemotherapies, etc. This issue is generated by stroke, irradiation of the head and neck, facial nerve palsy and so on. 


Therefore, figuring out the root cause of the disorders mentioned above is really important for patients who notice even minor changes in their sense of smell and taste. Initially, the physicians are supposed to read the patient’s clinical history and symptoms. It helps them to discover whether the patient is suffering from head traumas or viral infections. A better understanding of a patient’s way of living, surroundings, or medical information also contributes to diagnosing the cause. 


Moving further, a complete body check, including an ear, nose, and throat assessment, is pivotal for identifying abnormalities in the sense of smell and taste. Also, the patients need to perform numerous smell and taste tests to check their level of obstruction in smell and taste neurons. These problems can also be detected through MRI and CT scans. It helps diagnose issues such as polyps, head traumas, or abnormalities. 


Required medications and therapies


  • Correct medical interventions and therapies are important in recovering from these sufferings. Nasal sprays can help ameliorate the smelling sense that is discovered due to sinusitis, any infections or allergies. 
  • Therapists arrange various smelling and tasting tests for the patient, for example, smelling lemons, roses, scents, or including aromatic herbs, strong cheese into the food, etc, to send electrical signals to the brain to identify the different smells. 
  • Adapting a healthy lifestyle by adding more nutrition to their diets, avoiding smoking and drinking, and therefore, including strong spices and following better oral health also helps filter the smell and taste senses. 

Regaining from the loss of smell and taste disorders


Certain research describes that, luckily, there are around 60% to 80% chances of regaining the smell or taste sense within a year. However, to be emotionally strong, the patient needs to sit for counselling,  therapy, or group discussions with patients who are going through the same issues. However, it totally depends upon the person’s age and lifestyle whether he or she can have an early recovery or others may accept the truth of complete loss of taste and smell senses. 




Life is completely bland without the proper functioning of the five primary human senses. Minor Destruction in these senses can affect a person physically and emotionally. But, with Neuromaster there is nothing to worry about. We have the best neurologists in India to treat your neurological issues.  We provide the best treatments/neurosurgeries for paediatric disorders, pain disorders, movement disorders, epilepsy disorders and many more. Our on-call services are exceptional, making us different from others. Hence, you can also book an appointment by filling in the required information on our website.

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