Neurological Seizure Disorder: Everything you should know about Epilepsy

Epilepsy: One of the Common Neurological Disorders

As per an estimate, around 10 million individuals are diagnosed with epilepsy in India. Being one of the common neurological conditions, the brain neurological functioning gets affected. This neurological disorder affects brain activity which leads to seizures or episodes of odd behavior and feeling of loss of consciousness.

How does Epilepsy impact the overall state of the person?

People experience changes in quality of life like limited mobility along with the impact on learning, relationships, employment, and not feeling like interacting with others socially. And that’s the reason it’s equally essential to manage Epilepsy and consult a medical specialist at one of the top-rated Neuro Hospital in Ludhiana.

What is it like to live with Epilepsy?

When you live with Epilepsy, it means having an understanding of the problem and getting medical assistance at the earliest. Most importantly, living in an environment that’s as safe as possible. Some of the necessary tips to live with Epilepsy are:


Epilepsy won’t stop the person from enjoying a work-life, but there are a few limitations. It means that there’s difficulty in doing the job that might risk your safety to a great extent.

Playing sports and leisure activity

Indeed! You can take part in sports that fascinate you. But, you need to make sure your seizures are well under control. Some of the activities that you need to put over your control are:

  • Do not swim
  • Water sports
  • Taking part in adventure sports like rafting, parasailing, and paragliding

Going to school and training institute

Epilepsy won’t stop the children from taking part in activities. Make sure to inform the school or institute your child has an epilepsy problem. Do inform them about the medications and get ready with seizure first-aid. Make sure to get ready for other requirements to ensure the state of emergency get’s handled.


Pregnancy might change the effectiveness of medication and how the seizures occur. During seizures having proper control over everything makes things all manageable. So, work with the neurologist and gynecologist to ensure that you seek necessary care during the pregnancy.

Children and Epilepsy

Children with Epilepsy might have emotional issues like low depression and self-esteem. Moreover, there’s a feeling of anger, frustration, or embarrassment. Some of the necessary ways to help your child are:

  • Do tell your child about the problem
  • Direct focus on what they can do
  • Inform the family about the problem
  • Get counseling sessions if necessary
  • Do tell about seizure first-aid everyone

Home safety

Please be mindful of making all necessary changes to ensure safety and convenience in every possible way. A few necessary changes that the doctor suggests are:

  • Do not keep any kind of obstacles in the way
  • Don’t keep any kind of glass tables
  • Make sure to have a shower chair, grab bars, and non-slip mats to ensure it’s easier to manage everything
  • Please fix the furniture, do not have a loose wire on the way, and seek necessary action.

Factors that trigger epilepsy seizures

Some triggers might affect you in the long run, so please avoid them at all costs. A few of the triggers are:

  • Stress
  • Alcohol
  • Lack of sleep
  • Missed medication
  • Menstruation
  • Alcohol

Do you have any doubts?

Schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Jhawar to seek the best possible care and understand the necessary measures to take.

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Brain TumoursNeurologist

जाने मिस मिरपाल कौर संधू से कैसे किया डॉक्टर सुखदीप सिंह झावर ने उनके ट्यूमर का इलाज

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