Spine Tuberculosis Treatment In Punjab
Are you diagnosed with a spine-related problem?One of the most common spine problems is Spine Tuberculosis, which demands immediate medical attention. Medically, it’s also known as Pott’s Disease or Tuberculosis Spondylitis
Spine tuberculosis is one of the rare infections where vertebrae get collapsed and lead to further problems. Have you ever heard of the term hunchback? Due to the spine tuberculosis infection and its effect on the spine, there’s a hunchback. Under the given instance, medical attention is all-important at the earliest. Dr. Sukhdeep Singh Jhawar is one of the known neurologists in Punjab, and under his all-personalised treatment approach, patient’s have gotten the best possible care.
What are the causes of spinal tuberculosis?
The primary reason for spinal tuberculosis is the spread of infectious bacteria in the body, and over time it begins to affect the lungs. Seeking immediate and all-personalised care is crucial for spine TB patients. If not treated on time by one of the
best neurosurgeon in Punjab, then the chances of spinal arthritis are increased. If the infection gets severe, the spinal disc’s desired level of nutrient count gets less in the body, and over time, the spinal health gets down. As the disc collapses, there is an increased risk of seeing further damage to the spinal cord.
Can spinal tuberculosis lead to something severe?
YES! Significantly when treatment gets delayed, there is an increased risk of having the following conditions:
- Back Deformity
- Paralysis
- Nerve Damage
What are the symptoms of spinal tuberculosis?
If someone has tuberculosis, there are high chances of having back pain. Additionally, it’s all-important to seek the ultimate care for ultimate care. Don’t let your back pain become serious as there are high chances with time; it can be severe. When the symptoms get severe, the person often has difficulty:
- Walking
- Standing
If this is what is happening with you, then don’t take it lightly, as, over time, there will be leg weakness, pain, or numbness in the body.
Have you noticed the following symptoms?
- Spinal deformity
- Muscle spasms
- The spine has restricted motion
- Neurological deficits
- Tenderness in the back area
With these symptoms, it’s ideal that you consult a medical expert without delay; otherwise, the chances of the condition getting severe with time are high. It might give rise to other complications.
What are the treatment options for Spinal Tuberculosis?
The time frame for treatment of spinal tuberculosis is around six months to 1 year. Depending on the medical diagnosis, the doctor suggests the ideal treatment plan. For an all-personalized treatment plan here are the necessary considerations:
- Doctor’s Evaluation
- Patient’s Health
In certain cases, medical therapy helps to improve the patient’s condition. The therapy timelines include 2, 6, 9, 12, and 18 months. Addressing spine TB, it’s one of the most effective approaches to making the patient’s condition better. For the patients to feel better in all ways, it’s essential to take the best care of themselves under all possible scenarios. Ideally, preventive measures make a lot of difference in the patient’s condition to prevent the situation from worsening.
Do you have any questions?
Schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Jhawar to analyse effectively, ‘What’s the best treatment plan for spinal TB?’ and ‘Are there any preventive measures you should take?’ Feel free to ask any question that comes to your mind.